Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy [Early] Birthday to Meeee

Current mood: surprised
Current music:Sky Stroll, by Joe Hisaishi

Currently Listening
Howl's Moving Castle
By Joe Hisaishi
"Sky Stroll"
see related
Well, tonight's organized chaos turned out to end in a happy surprise for me. Running from the English majors' banquet with Art Lindsley at 6:30 (and leaving early to do so, mind you) to my room to grab my passport to go to my BFC meeting at the Hollingsworths' and then from there (again, leaving early) running to the Phantastes reading group a little after 9 certainly tested my strength. But it turned out to be all the more convenient that I should be late to the reading, since it gave my sneaky little friends a chance to prepare for a birthday surprise for me. (^_^)

Michael mysteriously began to ask if they should begin "the singing" or something, and my first thought was, "oh no, don't tell me we're taking up a new tradition of singing a hymn or something before every meeting like we always do in class" (not that that's a bad thing, but it would be sort of odd in that setting). Then, after some clandestine looks and whispers, I realized what was about to befall me. The singing of "Happy Birthday" to none other than myself. I loved it, yes, but man was I embarrassed, lol. Then Michelle handed me a card that everybody (and then some) had signed, a beautiful drawing Elizabeth made for me, and an expertly iced cupcake from a plate holding a batch of them that she made herself (love love!). I tell you, I love those guys. I love them. Do you hear me, guys? I love you! Honestly, I figured my birthday would be overlooked this year since I'm not going to be in town for most of my actual birthday anyway... due to my extended weekend at home to come, weeeee.

I am a happy little bean.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Blessing or Two in Spite of the Pain

Despite the hardships I have faced in the last week or so, today's having been the worst of them all, I do not entirely regret getting out of bed this morning. I got the package my mom sent me in the mail, so now I have chocolate and cinnamon fire Jolly Ranchers (yay!) plus some cold relief just in case I get sick in the near future. And of course, my personal favorite for this time of year, my parents got me a stuffed animal. I'm a sucker for stuffed animals. He is, as Adam put it at dinner tonight, a "bee-bear hybrid," and I don't have a name for him yet.... but I'll think of something.

At present, I am done with classes for the week. w00t. All of us senior "literary types" took the ETS Major Field Exam tonight from 7:30 to 9:30... so I missed House ;_; and that makes me sad. At least I got to watch the next disc of Magic Knights Rayearth with Becca afterward as a sort of crappy-day consolation prize. Once we finished that up, I was reminded of my Junior/Senior woes when a discussion on the subject was struck up with Laura and Katie. I wanted just once to be asked (as a surprise, not some "hey, you already know I was thinking about asking you, so.... wanna go?" or "I don't have a date.. you don't have a date... ya dig?" like I've had happen a couple times) to a banquet, but it's my last banquet at Bryan and it's not looking too good for the home team. Even if I took matters into my own hands, I don't know who I'd ask. The person I hoped might possibly ask me is already asking someone else, so I'm out of ideas and almost out of time. I'll go ahead and get myself a ticket (since they're only on sale this week *growl of aggravation*), but I haven't decided whether I'm going officially or not.

All right, there's your update. I'll try to keep my game face on in public, but you might not see much of me until the V-Day Banquet since I still have a lot of sewing left to be done for my outfit and the deadline is drawing near.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Current mood: numb

Currently Listening
By The Birthday Massacre
undefinedundefinedsee related
In spite of my Xanga page "makeover" (which I have grown to like very much actually), I have come to a decision. I'm ignoring Valentine's Day this year. Not accepting it. Not rebelling against it. Ignoring it. The only thing I'll be accepting is the idea that February 14th is just another day and has no special meaning whatsoever (except perhaps that it's the day that Music and Lyrics comes out in theaters, weee!). I'm no better or worse because of the day, and it is merely a mile marker of 9 days till my 22nd birthday. I'm not going to wear all black to mourn it or eat a whole bunch of chocolate to ward it away. I'm going to go about business as usual.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Hurts So Good

Current mood: relieved
Current music:I Like Chinese, by Monty Python

Currently Listening
By Monty Python
see related

After having been MIA since the first week in October, finally the prodigal son returns.

Welcome back, Fred!!! ...ow....