Monday, June 27, 2005

Take THAT, Gaia losers!!

Current mood: accomplished
Current music:Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, by Daft Punk

Yeah, so there's this one thread on the Gaia forums where the people were dissing vampire poetry simply because one person typed up a crappy poem. I tried to defend the genre, but they ended up copping an attitude with me... so I wrote up something new (cuz I can't seem to find ANY of my poetry at the moment - figures. ALWAYS when I need it. lol) and just posted it. Here's the link to the thread, in case you're curious and able to see it:

And here's the poem... not bad for having to write it on cue, eh? Especially at this hour, lol.... Didn't give it a title when I posted it, but I guess I'll call it "The Vampire" - so enjoy!

The Vampire

In darkness she first sensed him drawing near,
The moon's pale glow her only guiding light,
When all at once she saw his eyes appear
Amidst the shadows of the lonely night.
His lips found refuge warm upon her skin,
Hand gently brushing hair away from nape.
A longing there to taste the life within
Would manifest and rapidly take shape.
The eyes of immortality did dote
Upon the trembling maiden 'neath his gaze;
As ruby droplets came forth from her throat,
A passion sent his beatless heart ablaze.
His eagerness reflected in the pace --
A burst of pain amid the bliss and fire --
But soon she sank into his cool embrace,
Now welcomed, his beloved, his vampire.

~SKG 6/26/05~

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