Current location: | North 414 |
Current mood: | |
Current music: | Lovelight, by Robbie Williams |
If this day is any indication of the semester to come, then it ought to be interesting - in other words, full of ups and downs, lucky moments, and bizarre situations. I didn't have to sit through the long line for registration today (yay!) because apparently I'm completely taken care of academically and financially... for the moment anyway, lol. I had many good encounters with people, some bad (or at least not all that great), and one confusing one.... really confusing. Oh well. Then, after lunch and after Michelle registered, she and I went to Walmart to get some stuff we realized we needed once we got here and settled in. A lot of stuff, actually. Needless to say, I won't be needing or even wanting to go back to Walmart for a while!
When we got back, we went to our rooms until dinner at 6... and then found out that dinner was at 5, not 6 - we didn't get that email in time. -_- So we figured, hey, this is the only Tuesday we're going to be able to take advantage of 35 Cent Wing Night at Buffalo Wild Wings because we will have Study of Film on Tuesday nights hereafter (and then House at 9, of course!)..... so we decided to go. And after I put up a reserve sign on the TV for House and as I was jogging to Michelle's car, a blood vessel in my right ring finger burst! What the crap!? So now it's purple. Yay.
Anyway, the food was great (and cheap =D), and we made it back to watch House with time to spare, and now I'm relaxing in my room, chatting with my roomie, and watching this funny Korean TV drama called Full House (yeah, you read that right, and no, it doesn't have anything to do with our American 90s sitcom Full House, lol).
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