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Current music: | Pretear OST |
Actually, not just the walk across the field, but the entire weekend was very memorable. On Friday, I did the whole recitation of Shakespeare for the Homecoming Court Talent Show in chapel... and although I messed up on the fast stuff, everybody loved it! According to everyone I talked to, the messing up made it even more funny. So all was well. ^_^ Then of course Andy, Michelle, Kim, Peter, Matt, Blaschke, and I went to Hamilton Place to see Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - which was, by the way, freakin awesome!! Peter says it was the first romantic comedy he liked. LoL. I also came to the conclusion while I was watching it that I am the Corpse Bride. I am Emily. (Cue the line: "I love you, Victor... but you're not mine.")
Anyway, after the movie, we went wandering around downtown Chatty, eventually crossing the walking bridge... and right before that, we were looking at the view from a part of the Hunter Museum, and suddenly I felt an excrutiating stinging pain in my right foot, on the side of the pad right below my big toe. I was freaking out (silently, so as not to upset the group) and wondering what got me, especially in light of my last little run-in with tiny painful insects. Did I ever tell the ants story, btw?? Remind me if I haven't yet. Anyway, I kept it to myself and only told Andy at first, so we kept walking over to Coolidge Park - and then Jared called me, so I talked to him for a while as I walked ^_^. We had such an interesting conversation going, as always, but then we're about to get back into Andy's car, so Michelle was all like "you're not going to talk to him in the car, are you?" *sigh* I was actually already saying goodbye reluctantly to him, so that was kind of another jab in my ribs, but oh well.
When we got back to Dayton, we went to Peter's house for a while and played Mafia and talked with whoever was already there, and I actually officially met the younger Fendrich brother now residing at the house - Drew. Well, when I was sitting on the couch, I looked down at my foot and saw that the part that had been stinging so badly was PURPLE!!! That was when I found out what really happened. A blood vessel that ran across the bone at that part got busted.... so pretty much my foot 'sploded!!!! OW. It still hurts when I run into stuff (obviously) but I have no trouble walking, so it's all good. I guess. It's gross to think about though, hahaha.
Saturday was one big, long blur. Got up and went down to the soccer field to rehearse the half time Homecoming Court walk, went back to my room, napped for 20 minutes, showered, dressed, went to Christina's room to get my hair and makeup done, then went to the Student Life building (cuz we had to meet at 1:45 to ride down to the field). We stood out in the hot sun and sweat to death for the first half of the game (haha), walked out at half time, then left (or at least I did). I went down to Peter's house so he could see the dress and stuff, then I changed down there, came back up and ate dinner in the cafe, then hung out with Michelle, Kim, Ashley, Adam, Laura, Katie, Michelle (yes, a different one), Joe, Adam's mom and sister for the rest of the night - playing Apples to Apples. ^_^
Today, I went to the Hunter Museum with Heidi and Becca to get in my first fine arts critique event, since it's due by the 7th and I definitely won't be able to do anything in Atlanta before then. Then we went to Clumpie's and I got CHAI ICE CREAM in a waffle cone! CHAI ICE CREAM!!! OOOOH, it was soooo good. Be jealous, Mom! lol jk ...but yeah, so then when I got back to my room, I collapsed into my bed... and fell asleep. Didn't wake up in time for dinner either, not that I mind missing Sunday dinner EVER. *gag* but David missed it too, and when he told me he was going to eat mac n cheese and I expressed interest, he totally brought me some to make too ^_^. Yaaaay! And now that I have recounted the events of the weekend and kept you all out of the dark, I go to do homework. This week is gonna SUCK, what with midterms and all... but that will make the next week that much better! O Fall Break... wait for me! lol
By the way, I've got something on my mind, and it's making me very sad, so just pray I either find someone to spill my heart to or get a big hug from, or at least that somehow I won't slip into another depression over it. Don't worry, it's not about me, it's just that my heart is breaking for someone else... ;_; Pray for their heart more than mine, actually.
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