Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Funny story.

Current mood: sleepy
Current music:King Of My World, by Saliva

After the guys left to take the trash down and stuff, I went to the bathroom, gathered up my stuff, and headed out. When I got outside, I started walking slowly, meandering as I watched the rays of light coming through the trees because of the fog... it was pretty flippin sweet. I got to the fork in the sidewalk and decided to walk toward Huston cuz I wasn't ready to go inside and continue paper-writing *gag*. Anyway, I was listening to this one mad crazy depressing piano song off of the Texhnolyze soundtrack, so it wasn't very loud or substantial in its... covering... of my hearing? Yeah. Anyway. A few feet up the path, I heard funky steps - like, definitely not someone just walking by. Someone was following me. So I turned around, and Jason was kind of hunched over walking behind me and he was all like "ah man, dang it!" and started laughing. It was pretty funny, but I can't help but wonder what he planned on doing if I hadn't ever turned around... o.O he might have followed me forever if I had been listening to my usual I-can't-hear-you-guys-cuz-my-headphones-are-in music! lol It was kind of embarrassing though when I caught him, cuz then he started walking away... quickly. He was doing his fast walk, which is fast even for me! (and those of you who have ever walked with me, you know how much of an accomplishment that is) So here I am, looking like an idiot as I walk a few yards behind him, trying to have a bit of conversation and occasionally getting him to look back.. and laugh. So yeah. I feel like an idiot, lol.

Oh, but I tell you what. There is nothing quite so nice as someone recognizing your semi-obscure away message, and there is nothing quite so amusing as reading their response as they play along!

(09:50:53) Justin: i promise, things will be better for you one day
(09:50:53) Me : No, YOU chut up! *sobs and runs away*

So I'm making another list of "Things I've Learned This Week," and my first lessons shalt be these:

(1) Guys wearing aprons are hot. I'm sorry, they just are.

(2) Homework never ends. I don't care how many assignments you manage to complete because you sacrifice an entire week of sleep - there will ALWAYS be more to do. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but SOON.

(3) Contrary to the belief of the Rolling Stones, time is NOT on my side. Seriously, I'm losing the majority of my closest, dearest friends at the end of this school year, and nothing can make the day come any more slowly. If I don't think about it, I have fun, so time flies and BOOM! They're gone. If I do think about it, I get depressed and can't enjoy my last days with these people, and before I know it, BOOM! They're gone. Stupid, stupid Time. You need a pause button, buddy.

To be continued... (ooh, methinks I've been watching way too much Bleach.)

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