Current mood: | |
Current music: | I Wanna Be Adored, by The Stone Roses |
Let's see.... first notable good thingy to happen today... I dunno..... we'll just go down the list of stuff I did!
- Stuff I did:
- Western Civ was good, cuz I got to talk a little more to Ryan than I usually do...
- Math was math. Geh.
- Chapel was good, cuz it was a card chapel and therefore I sat next to someone not often within seating-buddy range - Jason. That was fun, lol.
- Skipped World Lit so I could work on a presentation I was supposed to give today...
- ...but then found out in Fine Arts that my presentation isn't till NEXT Friday, yaaaay! Sweet relief!
- Went to Peter's house right after Fine Arts to watch Boondock Saints.
- Peter left for Virginia (*tears*) and I started walking back up the hill after the movie and got caught by the creepy house with no front door!! LoL Actually, it so happens that Phil Schroeder is moving into the house, and so he and Ben were watching me out of the window and calling my name... o.O... riiiight.... Anyway, so I went inside and spent some time with them, helping Phil, Ben, and Jo move him in, which included a trip to the house he was temporarily in and where all his stuff was. We got back around 6:15, just in time for dinner-that's-actually-breakfast... -_- (which I'm still not thrilled to pieces about).
- Roomie, Michelle, and I went to the fine arts concert tonight and sat on the row with Woodlee South (^_^). I sat next to my good buddy MATT, and apparently I was sitting on his invisible friend.. oh well! lol
- After the concert, I got some wicked good pictures of... well.. Jason in his tux cuz nobody else stuck around for picture time, and of course the "photo shoot" actually consisted of Jason, Luke, Michelle, and myself being mostly dumb, lol.
- A whole bunch of people came to my room (if briefly) for open dorm tonight! It started out as Christina and Ben, with Ben fixing her compy, and Michelle and me... and eventually Jason came around, and then other people began to show up! We ate caramel apples, watched silly videos on my compy, and talked about various random things... including an in-depth interpretation of my poster of the painting "Faith" by Ruth Thompson.
- And then Beth-Beth took me to Walmart ^_^ -- yaaaay Beth-Beth! And now I'm here. And I'm about to go to bed, so... yeah.. the end. lol.
And a little present to end my entry (a few quizzes I took at random):
Gustav Mahler definitely lived by the statement, "Music is life. The rest is just details." Mahler was a composer in the summer and a conductor during the main orchestra season, and he was so obsessed with musical perfection that he earned a reputation as a harsh and terrifying tyrant. In fact, he was a tiny little fellow who tied so much of his vulnerable inner self to his music that he felt completely compelled to draw the best performance out of his players. He was so very attached, in fact, that he feared that elements of his own musicÑ-such as three hammer blows in the 6th Symphony, or the concept of sure death after writing a 9th--would kill him. He tried to steer around these things through editing and creative numbering, but that gesture only further proves how close Mahler was to his own music. A few key works: Kindertotenleider, Das Lied von der Erde, Symphony No. 6, Symphony No. 9
Take the Dead German Composer Test!
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
Well... it just sucks to be me, apparently, lol.
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