Tuesday, January 31, 2006

There's a first time for everything!

Current mood: mellow
Current music:Actually, I'm watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie)

For the first time in my college career... and pretty much in my whole school life, I actually got asked to something. Matt asked me to the Valentine's Banquet! Sure, we're just friends, but we're really good, close friends, and together with our usual group of buddies, I know we're going to have an awesome time. Plus, I now have a legitimate excuse to wear my red dress. ^_^ yay! Now if only I could find a wide-brimmed red hat so I could take Peter's suggestion and go as Carmen Sandiego, bwahahahaha. (for those of you who didn't already know, the theme for this banquet is "The Spy Who Loved Me")

Anyway.... I think I'll save the weekend update until tomorrow (yet another day's worth of suspense to build up, teehee!)

(and now I go to put up another post to help out a friend... well, on my Xanga at least. ~_^)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Weekends are goooood.

Current mood: sick
Current music:Can't Let Go, by Mariah Carey

Sleep = good.
Staying up till 4 AM watching Drive Me Crazy with my buddy Ashobee = better.

But now all fun has gone, my meds are on their way to my bloodstream, and pretty soon I'm going to pass out right where I sit... so I'm off to bed! (thank you, Tussin, the ultimate sleeping drug for congestion!)

Never fear, though, for I will recount the many exciting moments from this weekend ...tomorrow.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Wow, I'm an idiot! HAHA!

Current mood: ditzy
Current music:Music from Big O, since I'm watching it and all....

So I was reaching into one of the pockets of my bath robe to see if I had stuck any dirty laundry in it... and I found my ID card!!! So now I can actually get into my dorm by myself, yay!! (and I can eat without sneaking around, teehee)

I crack myself sometimes, mostly because I can be quite the airhead... like right now, lol. All that searching, and it was on my person every single morning. Gah...

The calm after the storm...

Current mood: mmmmm, yay for friends!
Current music:Love Me Madly?, by Human League

Okay, so maybe today wasn't calm, per se, but it was fun! (and considerably better than yesterday) ...I slept in, and it was wonderful. Then I got up and took a shower, got locked out of my room in my robe, got Kami to let me in, dressed and went with Dayna, Melissa, and Jackie to David's Bridal. We tried on dresses (already a favorite past-time) and decided on which ones we, the bridal party, will wear.

Then Dayna dropped me off at the $2.50 theater around 4 PM, and I sat in the theater and talked to Kat on the phone until the movie started around 5, and Adam, Matt, and Katie met me there. And yes... I saw Aeon Flux for the third time (Katie's second, Matt & Adam's first). Tres exciting!

After the movie, we went to the mall and ate, shopped, and went to the pet store, weeeee! I would have bought a necklace for my red dress, but there were no (and I mean, NO) earrings that looked good with the one I thought would otherwise be perfect.

After being mallrats until everything closed, we went back to school, grabbed the new Zorro movie (which is not yet available for rental to the general public but is available to our good friend and Blockbuster employee Adam!) and, joined by Michelle, headed down to Peter's house to watch it.

The antics that followed the film were quite... well, "special." Before the movie, I had offered to wash the mountain of dishes at the Fendrich households when Caleb jokingly mentioned their need for cleaning... so when the movie was over, I kept my promise, and Katie came and helped. The guys (Matt and Adam, that is) were being positively goofy, and it was VERY amusing - the best time washing dishes I've ever had, hands down! lol

So here I am, reflecting on a wonderful day, sipping on half a cup of Russian tea (so I only have to pee half as badly in the morning, hahahaha)... and now I think I'll go brush my teeth and hit the hay.


Oh, I almost forgot to mention the newest changes in my "plans"... It turns out that Dayna chose for our bridesmaids' dresses to be the color "apple" (a.k.a. red). So I was thinking, if Jackie and Melissa don't want to wear their dresses to the Valentiine's banquet NEXT year (and I'm hoping they won't since it'll be my last V-day banquet, while they will have at least one more *crosses fingers*), that means I am free to wear my red dress this year after all! I'm excited! ..well, that is, if they do end up not wearing their dresses nest year and all that blah blah blah. But ya know. w00t. ^_^

Monday, January 16, 2006

A shower never felt so good...

Current mood: accomplished
Current music:Doctor Doctor, by the Thompson Twins

I was picking up trash around Point Park and the Dayton Boat Dock today with Sam and Erica (yes, our leader abandoned us and didn't show up, so it was only us three). Nasty, nasty, nasty! Not as bad as last year, but a lot more dirt! Plus, I found a used condom again this year... the only one in the stupid park, and I had to be the one to find it. Gah. Anyway, I just finished taking a shower and drying my hair... and it feels gooooooood.

A little bit about this weekend, (not so) short and sweet:

Friday (from open dorm onward): I watched Serenity with a bunch of girls and Eric (who brought the movie) in Ashley's room lol... then went to Walmart with Dayna, Melissa, and Chris. It was snowing when we came out, too!!! So we drove back to campus and stood around/danced in it. ^_^

Saturday: I went to Chatty with Dayna and crew, and we went to Hamilton Place Mall and America's Thrift Store. While at JC Penney, I got a red dress for the banquet!! ^_^ (Now here's hoping I can just get a dagum date!) I would describe the dress as a "little black dress" type, except that it's red. And Laura says it looks sort of 40s-ish. And pretty much all the girls love it... and Laura couldn't stop smacking my butt. ¬¬ hahahaha.. She means well - dontcha, Laura? ~_^

Anyway, after we got back and had dinner, for open dorm Michelle and I wandered the guys' dorms until we finally came to Matt's room on Southside. Adam was at work, and Matt was lonely, so we stayed and watched Equilibrium (Michelle and I for the first time actually), and it was sooooo good!

After that, Beth-Beth and I went for a walk, then we went back to her room and watched I Am Sam (another first time for me). It didn't end till 3 AM, and then we laid in bed and talked for another hour. Finally, I left and went back to my room.

Sunday: After lunch, I went and hung out it Katie and Laura's room, and we tried on our dresses (well, at least Ashley and I did ours lol)... then we watched The Swan Princess until it was time to leave for the 4:40 showing of Aeon Flux. I tell you what, that movie is just as good the second time!!! aaahhh!!! and the other girls loved it, so I was pleased with that ^_^.

I think that's everything, except for the random fact that , before my walk with Beth last night, I played with Flip-Flop a bit, and she curled up in my lap cuz she was cold (awwww...). She started to "do the softs," as my family calls it (the thing with the claws they do when they nurse), right into my soft middle!! So I have lovely little red dots and scratches all over my stomach today, lol. I don't care if it stings a little, cuz I'm glad I could keep her warm for even just a little while. I love that cat.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

A pleasant conclusion to an initially not-so-pleasant 13th.

Current mood: cheerful
Current music:Feel So Stupid (Table 9), by Darwin's Waiting Room

As you already know, I made a bit of a fool of myself today at lunch... it was definitely one of those Dumb and Dumber moments where I had planned exactly what I was going to say to him and then completely blew it when the crucial time came because I scrambled everything in my brain.

Only in my case, unlike Lloyd(Jim Carrey)'s, I didn't blurt out soimething like "I desperately want to make love to a school boy." I just had no words at all. Smooth, me. Reeeal smooth.

Anyway, on another note, David (Shupe) says I look like this chick in my last Xanga picture, the one with my hat, and creepily enough, we even share a birthday. Friday the 13th strikes again!

On the bright side, I suppose, at least everybody seems to really like my haircut. ^_^ AND it snowed tonight!!! It's supposed to do so again tomorrow, but I'm doubting that... and besides, at least I got to dance around in the snow tonight (even though it was probably more like sleet, but shut up, lol). I also have some good news that I got to talk a little more with Billy, and he even helped me win a game of pool with Michelle (well... okay, so he got two or three balls in before taking his leave, but I still won cuz I made a few really good shots FINALLY... plus, Michelle kept hitting mine in instead of hers on her turns, bwahaha!). Either way, here's hoping I haven't managed to scare him away before he even knows me very well. *crosses fingers*

Friday, January 13, 2006

I've reached a whole new level of idiocy!

Current mood: crazy
Current music:She Drives Me Crazy, by Fine Young Cannibals

I was walking down the stairs to lunch, and Tom Cruise kid (henceforth referred to as Billy - whose first name ironically happens to be Thomas, lol) was walking out of the cafeteria. I panicked. And that, my friends, is never a good thing. I couldn't make myself stop... the words just came. "Excuse me... I... uh..." It was too late to back down now. I had his attention. Crap. I proceeded to ask if it was him walking with David Park last night when Beth-Beth and I were coming back from our nightly walk around the campus, since whoever it was pulled a little Tarzan move, beating his chest and all. We saw them from a distance, so I couldn't be sure, but we laughed as they walked toward and into the dorm... and after a while, a head came peeking around the corner, and we laughed again. Anyway, so I told him we saw someone and laughed, and I wasn't sure if it was him or not, but if it was, we're sorry for laughing. ...what? do you have any better ideas? I couldn't think of any other reason to talk to the guy, sheesh! Either way, he said he would ask David about that later, like it wasn't him... then he said, smiling:

"You're kinda crazy... now what's your name?"

"Sherry..." *whimper*

"Alright, well, I'll ask David about that when I see him.. I'll see you around." (When he said that, I almost thought he was gonna try to hug me or something, but he just patted me on the shoulder. o.O I'm hoping that's a good sign.)

[I then proceed to freak out and run to the table where Michelle and Beth are sitting.. the same table where apparently HE had been sitting moments before.]

Yes. I'm an idiot. And apparently crazy, too. Oh wait, I knew that already. (but he wasn't supposed to! *whines*)

P.S. I hope you all appreciate the humor in my music choice for right now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Tom Cruise kid!!!

Current mood: curious
Current music:This Is Not A Game, by Buck 250 (from D&D the movie)

There is more for me to tell about what's been going on lately, but at the moment I only have 20 minutes till I need to leave for class, so...... I will tell you one exciting thing:

There is a dude. A transfer, I think, given the fact that I've never seen him before in my life (and believe me, I'd have remembered). He looks almost exactly like Tom Cruise, I kid you not! I have witnesses who were just as amazed as I was (and am!) - Ben, Jo, and Dallas. I want to know who this kid is, but until I know, I shall call him "Tom Cruise kid" instead. (Not to his face, of course.)

School days.... bah.

Current mood: happy
Current music:Kashmir, by Bond (Led Zeppelin cover)

Classes start tomorrow. Please, no. Oh well... today I was so happy - and for no reason at all that I can see! It was amazing. It definitely felt amazing. To be happy and not to have that happiness depend on any given singular thing or person is so incredibly freeing!! I feel good! I feel great! I feel wonderful! Even with Fred at my side, I can hardly be unhappy right now. Strange, isn't it? I really don't know how to explain it, but I like it either way.

As a side note, I'm impressed by the results of the following quiz:

Your Birthdate: February 23

You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.

Your strength: Your likeability

Your weakness: You never feel satisfied

Your power color: Bright yellow

Your power symbol: Asterisk

Your power month: May

I dunno about some of the stuff, such as the yellow thing, but asterisk as my power symbol?? Holy junk, yes! It's my *action text* symbol of choice! ^_^ Most of the other stuff is rather accurate, too. Suh-weeeeeet.... okay, I'm going to bed now. G'night, my lovelies!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I'm not ready.

Current mood: stressed
Current music:Hypnotised, by Unknown

I know I said I was, but I'm not anymore. I just want to stay home. I'm about to get another visit from Fred, and thanks to that, I have been dangling by an emotional thread all day long. I even sobbed my eyes out while watching Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as I ironed some shirts for Dad. And I went to Target to get some needed stuff, and I got the wrong size in everything (and I do mean everything) because my brain is completely fried. I'm emotionally drained, physically lethargic, and mentally restless - I'm a train wreck. Don't make me go back to school tomorrow. I have this horrible foreboding feeling about the coming semester... I won't have Michelle for much of the time since she'll be in Italy, and I'm well aware of who I'll be losing permanently in the coming months. I'm panicking. Maybe it has to do with Fred's impending arrival. I hope that's all it is, because I don't want to keep feeling this way. Despair sucks! Hopefully, someone will be on my hall when I get there that'll hug me. Meh, I need a hug...

(My only hope is that I might wrangle up some friends - preferrably at least one with a car - to see Aeon Flux in the $2.50 theater... that thought almost makes me smile. Almost. Anyway, what dost Michelle think? Or Matt perhaps? And maybe Peter? The list goes on... If you guys haven't seen it yet, I think you'll like it. I could certainly use a good outing, and I want to see the movie again anyway.)

It's funny... after typing out this entry, I do feel a little better already. Let's hope the wheel keeps on turning that way.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

My day...

Current mood: sore
Current music:You Showed Me, by the Turtles

Picked up Mom at the office, got my pictures from Walmart, Went to the Y, went home, dug more trenches and hauled a ton of dirt for Dad for a little over an hour, realized my arms weren't meant to go back into all that work just yet, came inside, took a bath (yessss.....), got dressed, drove myself to Andy's apartment for some dinner at Wendy's and a lot of tense "versus" action in his Godzilla video game (at which time I realized I think I get worse the longer I play, lol), drove home about an hour ago shivering to death till the heat kicked in, got online and downloaded a spiffy screensaver my bro showed me tonight and sent me the link to that allows me to still see (and drool over profusely) my wallpaper ^_^... and now I'm going to bed. G'night!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

We have a winner!

Current mood: cheerful
Current music:Karma Slave, by Splashdown

Oh man oh man. I saw Aeon Flux tonight - sooooo good! I love-a-love-a-LOVED it! And my friends, this is one that won't be nearly as embarrassing to see with the parents (as long as they appreciate sci-fi and don't prefer to make snide comments every five minutes about the impossibility of certain special effects, lol). I honestly can't remember a single cuss word (and this, an MTV movie, of all things! hah!) and the only sex was implied and then we see them partially (but not grotesquely or offensively) exposed while spooning (yaaaaay, spooning! hahahaha). I am a happy little girl right now, and I think - much to Adrien Brody's dismay - I may be forced to change my wallpaper. *gasp* I know, I know, it's hard to believe. Mwahaha. Anyway, you'll be seeing that movie on my Half.com wishlist pretty soon (not like you can really see it, but sure)!

(And I didn't say I didn't like Munich, JUSTIN. lol)

In other news, today turned out to be quite ...accomplished. Mom and I went to the Y and excercised for over half an hour, then when we came home, I dug trenches with Dad! weee! Muscle woman!! ... yeah, no. but at least I'm not a total sissy, right? ~_^


You know I'm a sucker for guys in long jackets.... teehee!

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A word to the wise...

Current mood: lethargic
Current music:Fight, by The Cure

I seriously gotta quit agreeing to see movies with my parents before I've double- and triple-checked for embarrassing content. I mean, REALLY, if I have to sit through one more graphic sex scene with my parents, I'm going to stab myself in the eye with my slushie straw. I saw Munich tonight, and although it was good overall, beware of more than one VERY graphic nude shot (including male nudity *shudders*) and a couple prolonged hump sessions -_- ...I remain unamused by this gravitation these scenes seem to have to me when I'm watching something with Mom and Dad.

Anyway, that's all for now... well, that, and the fact that I'm hoping Andrea's baby is okay, since she was supposed to call me today to let me know if they'd get to go home from the hospital and didn't. (Her baby not only had been born jaundiced but later wasn't eating enough and had(has?) low levels of blood sugar, etc.) Just keep Dillon, Andrea, and their baby Hayden in your prayers, as they will be in mine.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fun, indeed!

Current mood: good
Current music:Lady Come Down, by Rupert Everett & Colin Firth (from IOBE)

I saw Fun With Dick And Jane tonight with my parents - excellent movie, and quite funny!

In other news... oh wait, there isn't any. Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hahahahahahahahaha, YES!!

Current mood: amused
Current music:Freaking Out, by Adema

You scored as Dr. Whit Jones. English & Sex Ed. Let's face it, you may be smart, but you are an EXPERT on sex and cussing. Not in a bad or immoral way or anything. You just know about them and don't mind sharing that with others. You may or may not have a high-pitched voice as well.

Dr. Whit Jones


Dr. Steve "Wow" DeGeorge


Dr. Travis Ricketts


Mr. Matt Benson


Dr. Ray Legg


Dr. Steve Bradshaw


Mr. Bruce Morgan


Mrs. Judy Olsen


Dr. David Fouts


Dr. Jack Traylor


Dr. Paul Boling


Dr. Stephanie Hartz


Dr. Mel Wilhoit


Mr. Michael Palmer


Which Bryan College Faculty Member are YOU?
created with QuizFarm.com

Tell me, how lucky am I? I mean, sure, some of you would disagree with me on the greatness that is this man, but he's one of my favorite profs, so I am well pleased - and of course those of you who know me well know why it's so amusing to me, too ^_^. ('Cept I'll be honest, the fact that I scored higher on Wilhoit than Palmer pisses me off a wee bit.)

Anyway, creepy moment for the day: I was looking for my dad in Sports Authority, and Mom and I walked by this lady whose kid was sitting in the top part of her shopping cart... And as we walked toward them, the little girl had this dull, expressionless stare (and was pointing that stare straight at me). I gave her a friendly smile, and as we passed beside them, I glanced away only for a split second and then back at her, only to see her suddenly jerk her head up to look straight at me with her eyes and mouth wide open!!! No smile, no nothing - just wide eyes and open mouth with no other expression or evident emotion of any kind! There is nothing quite so horrible as to suddenly be face-to-face with a wide-eyed, open-mouthed (and might I add, frightening as BUTT) little child's face. I nearly wet myself. I'll let you know how my consequent nightmares go...

And, last but not least... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN-JOHN (yesterday, technically)! I love you!!


I forgot to mention the fact that, about a week or so ago, I finished watching Bleach!!! ..well, the episodes that are released so far anyway. It was a cliffhanger if I ever did see, so now there is much gnashing of teeth, but it is SOOO GOOOOOD! I would've mentioned this earlier in all of my excitement, but I finished one morning at, like... 4 AM or something! >.<>Bleach!!

Also, I saw a billboard advertising Coke on my way to Walmart today, and it said, "Cold enough for you?" All I can say is NO. Dang it, I didn't even need long sleeves today! For the love of Bob, it's January and I'm traipsing about comfortably in a T-shirt!!