Current mood: | |
Current music: | Freaking Out, by Adema |
You scored as Dr. Whit Jones. English & Sex Ed. Let's face it, you may be smart, but you are an EXPERT on sex and cussing. Not in a bad or immoral way or anything. You just know about them and don't mind sharing that with others. You may or may not have a high-pitched voice as well.
Which Bryan College Faculty Member are YOU? created with |
Tell me, how lucky am I? I mean, sure, some of you would disagree with me on the greatness that is this man, but he's one of my favorite profs, so I am well pleased - and of course those of you who know me well know why it's so amusing to me, too ^_^. ('Cept I'll be honest, the fact that I scored higher on Wilhoit than Palmer pisses me off a wee bit.)
Anyway, creepy moment for the day: I was looking for my dad in Sports Authority, and Mom and I walked by this lady whose kid was sitting in the top part of her shopping cart... And as we walked toward them, the little girl had this dull, expressionless stare (and was pointing that stare straight at me). I gave her a friendly smile, and as we passed beside them, I glanced away only for a split second and then back at her, only to see her suddenly jerk her head up to look straight at me with her eyes and mouth wide open!!! No smile, no nothing - just wide eyes and open mouth with no other expression or evident emotion of any kind! There is nothing quite so horrible as to suddenly be face-to-face with a wide-eyed, open-mouthed (and might I add, frightening as BUTT) little child's face. I nearly wet myself. I'll let you know how my consequent nightmares go...
And, last but not least... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN-JOHN (yesterday, technically)! I love you!!
I forgot to mention the fact that, about a week or so ago, I finished watching Bleach!!! ..well, the episodes that are released so far anyway. It was a cliffhanger if I ever did see, so now there is much gnashing of teeth, but it is SOOO GOOOOOD! I would've mentioned this earlier in all of my excitement, but I finished one morning at, like... 4 AM or something! >.<>Bleach!!
Also, I saw a billboard advertising Coke on my way to Walmart today, and it said, "Cold enough for you?" All I can say is NO. Dang it, I didn't even need long sleeves today! For the love of Bob, it's January and I'm traipsing about comfortably in a T-shirt!!
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