Current mood: | |
Current music: | Eden, by Sarah Brightman |
I want my Kon doll!!!!!
Dang it, I ordered it over a week ago, and TODAY I got an email saying "The following item(s) has/have been shipped to you. You should be receiving it shortly." Darn right I should!!! I'm annoyed. At least now I know he's on his way to me... *sigh* Just as Becca thought, I will most definitely be carrying him around with me to all my classes and stuff ALL day once I finally get him!!
Anyway, I never did recount the events of last weekend (whoops) - I tend to do that a lot. At any rate, this is the basic breakdown... Katie and Laura went to Laura's house for the whole weekend, so things were a little out of the norm, lol. On Friday night, Michelle F., Matt, Adam, Ashley (for a little while at least), Michelle B., and I watched Doom in Myra's apartment... I pretty much LOVED the first-person sequence, but the rest was... eh. After that, Matt, Adam, Michelle F., and I piled into Matt's car and went driving, desperate for something interesting to do... and we ended up dropping by Taco Bell and then going for a walk in a graveyard (apparently where Matt's grandparents are buried)! After we got cold enough, Matt and us girls got in the car and all crammed into the back seat (haha) and Adam was lurking about outside somewhere for a while before he finally came and sat in the car too. (We did attempt to fit him across all our laps in the back seat, but after a couple minutes, it was just...weird. So he relocated, hehehehe.) We listened to music and talked... and half-slept, really... until it was about 1:15 or 1:30 AM and time to head back.
On Saturday, I did pretty much nothing all day (as usual)... I really don't remember exactly what I did. Wait, yes I do. I was sick. So I slept in really late, missed brunch (oh darn...), made myself some "sickie" food/drink, drugged myself, and watched movies/slept the whole day.... until open dorm. Having slept through dinner, Matt called me while I was sleeping off the tussin gelcaps I'd taken foolishly at 5, forgetting it knocks me out completely, and the poor boy got a taste of my oh-no-you-didn't-just-wake-me-up grumpies. He asked if I was coming down for open dorm, so I told him the meds were still making my head swim and to let me have my nap cuz I didn't want to be falling asleep in their room while trying to watch a movie... Frightenedly, he said ok and went away (lol poor Matty), and so I went back to sleep. Once down there, Matt, Adam, and I - joined soon after by Ashley and Michelle B. - watched Four Brothers (good stuff!), then Michelle F. came back from the opera and joined us... and I really don't remember what we did next. I only know we were up really, super, butt-late again. If it ever comes to me, I'll let you know, and maybe Michelle or Matt will remember and post a reminder
On Sunday, I did homework in the grassy bowl with Beth-Beth until about 4, at which time I went down to Peter's house and we went to the Rave to see Underworld: Evolution. I liked the movie, but not as much as the first one, and I'm DEFINITELY glad it wasn't one of the ones I saw with my parents!!! Yikes! I mean, heck, it was awkward enough with Peter.... If I haven't already warned you, ask me about it some time. I don't want to tell people not to see the movie, cuz I still liked it, seriously... but I think I would have liked to have had a heads-up when I saw it, so I'm just passing on the favor I didn't get, lol.
The rest is ancient history. And now Michelle is gone to Italy for the semester (as of Thursday morning, about the time I was probably waking up). It was sort of weird and empty-feeling during lunch, but by dinner I was feeling much better about it all. She'll be back anyway. I'm going to enjoy my semester as it stands. Speaking of enjoying things, as much as I wanted my winter, I gotta confess.... I enjoyed the fact that today, although a bit nippy, sounded and even smelled like spring. The birds were singing when I awoke, and the air just made me feel all... springy. And I liked it!
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