Current mood: | |
Current music: | Sally's Song, by Danny Elfman (from Nightmare Before Xmas) |
Alrighty then! For those of you who wanted to know what those pictures on my last Xanga entry were all about, I shall recount the events of this weekend (which include said pictures - click thumbnails to see the biggies ^_^).
Friday: Valentine's Banquet!! Wicked fun, and the food was actually quite delicious (plus, it wasn't the same food they've served for all the other banquets so far)! ^_^ After the banquet itself (and many many crazy pictures), the guys blindfolded us ladies and drove us secretly to Tony's apartment and unveiled our eyes one at a time as we got to the door. They had red rose petals sprinkled across the floor and furniture, candles lit at various places around the room, and the ceiling was decorated as I shall now show in these pics:
They gave us Dove chocolate and sparkling red grape juice (which they had to go looking EVERYwhere for since it's V-day), along with some angel food cake, fresh strawberries, and whipped cream/Coolwhip. We watched Phantom of the Opera and then came back to school and played Apples to Apples until curfew.
Saturday: 11:50 AM, my cell phone rang. I was planning on going back to sleep. I only had to go to the bathroom, after all... but no. No more sleep for me. Tony called and told me of his magical plan to go to Fall Creek Falls and see the snow. So Tony, Dayna, Matt, and I piled into his car all bundled up and headed off. Once we got into the mountains, there was snow everywhere! it was beautimous!!! Matt took a bazillion pictures, but I've chosen a few good examples of the sights we saw on the way to FCF:
We had snowball fights, and I made two snow angels, one of which I gave feet and a halo! :-D I was going to bring back some snow for everyone, but they wouldn't let me keep it in the car, lol. I had a flippin huge snowball about the size of a large beach ball... actually a little bigger... and HEAVY as all get-out. It took me flippin forever to make; I gathered up handfuls of snow as we walked the trails and packed them in. My back started hurting after a while, and I sympathized with pregnant ladies, hahahahahaha. I made two, really... and the first one was about the size of a beach ball (a bit smaller than the second one) and we sent it over the side of the falls (from the second overlook we went to) and watched it splash hehehehhee. That's when I made the new one... it was a beast! Anyway, here are some pictures from FCF, once again compliments of Matthew:
This next bridge picture is one that was taken probably moments before I slipped and fell right on my butt/back... in fact, that might be my falling body at the bottom.... Hmm...
This next one is of the people across from us at the first overlook (where we had talen our group picture earlier). They were shouting for me to throw my big giant snowball over the side... psh, like I needed them to give me the idea. PuhLEASE.
...And now you get to see what my butt looked like after falling on that stupid icy bridge of DEATH.
Anyway, here are a couple more pictures of our view from on top of the falls.
Well, I have to go, but I'll finish talking about Saturday later. See ya!
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