Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Well, I'm back from NC.

Current mood: discontent
Current music:Mother India, by Caedmon's Call

There were good times and bad, fun times and boring... the usual. And yet, here I am, thinking more about the future than I have in a long time - and that's saying something! I'm surrounded - nay, haunted - by death, both physical and spiritual everywhere I turn, grateful for the happiness that God has brought me but despairing at the troubles that the world has brought to those I love most and, consequentially, myself. As it has been for several days now, I cannot close my eyes without seeing their faces and crying. My heart is breaking because there is nothing I can do for some of them... All I can do is pray for one (well, two) and treasure the potentially few remaining days with the other. Why is everything around me falling apart? I mean, sure, I'm alone, and I often wonder if I'll ever find someone with whom I can spend the rest of my life, I have a few health issues, blah blah blah... but that is nothing compared to what I see happening to my friends and family. As retarded as it sounds, I'd really rather have it happen to me and let them be happy - I can't stand this position I find myself in, sitting on the sidelines, watching helplessly. I love them! Why can't I make this pain stop for them, even just a little?? I'm just glad I'm home so I can be alone to cry. And pray. I pray daily for one in particular who won't hear me but I hope will hear God. You probably don't know who you are, but I'm thinking of you and praying for you always, and I love you so much.

Just so my lovelies don't think I've forgotten them in my sadness, thanks for all the comments, calls, and stuff I got on Christmas! You guys will probably never know how much I love you, but I do, so very much. I can't wait to see you all again!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Today's oh-so-eventful events

Current mood: tired
Current music:Toccata in D Minor BWV538 (the Dorian), by J. S. Bach

Today's oh-so-eventful events
Let's see... went to the doctor early this morning... got some blood work done, gave a urine sample (yay.), didn't have to get a pelvic (YESSSSSSSSSS)... and so far, I'm A-okay.

After that, Mom and I got some potato soup and bread at Atlanta Bread Company, did a little random shopping at pottery and fabric stores, stuff like that, then saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (good stuff! but I definitely cried a bunch). Due to my growing cold, however, I became quite tired thanks to my supposed "non"-drowsy meds (HA.) and almost fell asleep! Pretty much the rest of the late afternoon until dinner was spent sleeping through Seinfeld on the couch... and then we watched the taped episodes of Bones and House from last week and tonight's CSI: Miami (which featured Michael Shanks!!! <3<3<3 - for those of you who watch Stargate: SG-1 like Michelle or Peter, he's Daniel Jackson ^_^) ...And all the while, I cross-stitched. And now my weariness from this lovely little disease of mine has caught up with me again, so I'll probably read a bit in one of my Philosophy of Science books that just came today until I pass out in front of the fire or until it goes out, since it's on its last leg of life anyway. Yay for fires in a fireplace on a cold night along with a nice hot cup of Russian tea! ^_^

And one other thing: Good sweet Mike, I hate politics. I hate talking politics. I hate hearing about politics. You can bet your butts I'll not be marrying a politician. Somebody shoot me if I do. Or cut me into a thousand pieces and hide me in the walls. Okay, I'm done ^_^. Time for some philosophy!


Two words for you: Yeah. Buddy.

You scored as Belle. You are the bookworm Belle. Intelligent and keen on reading, Belle always longs for adventures described in books. When one really happens to her, she was kind enough to discover the inner personality of the Beast.















Snow White


Be a Real Princess, a Disney one. (WITH PICS)
created with QuizFarm.com

Thanks, Dr. Legg - I mean, Dr. Jasmine! ~_^

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I've still got it!

Current mood: giddy
Current music:Let's Go All The Way, by Sly Fox

That's right, guys. I got asked out for the first time in a long time. Check this out: My parents and I stayed overnight in Chatty last night, so the first thing we did upon leaving the campus was to go to our hotel. Well... Mom and Dad grabbed some stuff to carry up to our room, and I stayed out at the back of the Tahoe, trying to figure out what I should and could take inside. So I'm standing there, my computer in my arms, eyeing the other stuff in the back to see if I can grab anything else and save a trip, when suddenly I hear a voice behind me. This kinda scuzzy looking guy in a trucker hat and cammo jacket asks me if I need any help carrying anything. I was like "No.. thanks.. I'm good. *friendly smile*" and he was like "you sure?" and I was like "oh yes... thank you though" and so he kept on walking after that. I resumed my task, trying to look busy, and about the time the guy reached the end of the parking lot (at the main road), he turned and yelled back to me, "Are ya hungry? Wanna get something to eat?" ...to which I quickly responded with a friendly "No, thanks!" and gave a nervous laugh. Yikes. I was desperately searching my pockets for my phone to call Dad and tell him to get his butt out there but couldn't find it. Thankfully, a few moments later, there he came. PHEW! After we finished unpacking and as we drove off to dinner, I saw him at the gas station next door to the hotel and said, "hey, look, there's my boyfriend!"

We ended up eating at Red Lobster (yum!) and then came back to our room and watched TV till we fell asleep.. which, for everyone else, meant 9 or 10 but, for me, meant more like 11 or midnight. This morning after breakfast, we went to McKay!!! I got some interesting stuff for cheap (of course) and pretty much none of it ended up being useful, i.e. textbooks, cuz they didn't have anything I needed. Ah well. Got the next two books in the Sword of Truth novels ^_^ ..so pretty soon, I'll have them all and can read them all a second time before reading the new ones that have been coming out all too infrequently. Plus, I found another album by Toy-Box, and I thought they only had the one! whoa buddy! Yes, it's even cheesier than the first one, but hey... it cost me a whole 95 cents. oooh.

After a long McKay jaunt, we went back to Northgate and saw King Kong. Holy mother of Bob. That movie. I mean... I... it's.... AH! I wish it didn't say G.D. so many times, but it had a good romantic plot within it that didn't involve SEX. Yessssssss!! I am so tired of watching movies with my parents and ending up having to sit through a ginormous sex scene, shifting awkwardly between them and wishing I could die right then and there (perhaps some of you remember my Love Actually experience... *shudders*). Don't worry, I won't give away the ending (for those of you who don't already know the King Kong storyline, such as myself before today... it had been too long since I saw maybe even PART of one of the older ones), but MAN, good stuff at the beginning, teehee! Anyway, my love for Adrien Brody has been renewed, though it never really went away to begin with. Ever since my first experience with him in The Pianist, I have adored him. yes, ladies. He's up there with Colin Firth. Something about him, I dunno... Hey, but he had a nice bod, which I did not know before this new movie of his, mwahahahah. ^.^

And I shall leave with this, my desktop wallpaper, as a token of my giddiness:


Another picture from this scene was found on a website called www.brodylicious.org, hahahaha... and the subtitle given by the webmistress/fangirl was quite amusing to me, and I thought I'd share (*snicker*):

Batten down your ovaries!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Go to this link...

...and do the stuff it asks, because the free stuff actually comes to you once you get enough people referred... which is why I need everybody's help! Will got an iPod Nano out of this, and I wants me a digital camera, dang it! lol


Please please please! Just do what Will and I did and sign up for something free and cancel it before the trial period ends, mwahahahaha!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Current mood: accomplished
Current music:I'm watching Stigmata at the moment, actually...

I did it! I finished my first AMV (anime music video)! I've been wanting to do it for an uber-long time, and now it is done. ^_^ It features the Marmalade Boy characters Meiko and Namura-sensei to the tune of "Don't Stand So Close To Me" by the Police. yay, props for me!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

You know you need a break when...

Current mood: ditzy
Current music:Youth of the Nation, by P.O.D.

...you want to heat up water to make tea and you put the cup in the microwave... and forget to fill it with water first. Christina was sitting at her computer and was like, "is something burning?" And I was like, "I don't smell anything...," and then suddenly thought to myself.. wait... did I put water in that cup??? no WAY.... So I opened the microwave and the smell of melting plastic violated my nostrils. No, my cup didn't melt, but I think it kinda freaked out when I was microwaving it without any contents! lol Needless to say, my roommate and I both got a nice little chuckle out of it. And now I go to watch some Samurai 7 and take some medicine with a nice cup of green tea (with water, too!! ^_^).

An Epiphany

Current mood: content
Current music:The Promise, by When In Rome

As I sat on a bench, pondering and delighting in the silent night, these words (or rather, lyrics) came to mind:

"Que sera sera,
Whatever will be will be,
The future's not ours to see,
Que sera sera."

Cheesy, happy tune aside, these words hold a great deal of truth - truth that I've needed to hear lately. The future really isn't ours to see. It's God's. So I tossed up a prayer for my future as it would be in God's will.... and I am feeling much better. As always, I thank you, God, for your blessed comfort.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

One more day and *POOF* weekend!

Current mood: busy
Current music:The Chauffeur, by Duran Duran

Let's see... what have I done tonight? I (FINALLY) watched Dead Poet's Society while cleaning up my room for strict room and doing some laundry load sorting. And it made me cry, lol. As usual, right? Anyway, now I must go finish up a paper for Wilhoit about nudity as is pertains to Bryan College and, more particularly, our Fine Arts class. Ugh. I hate having to explain my position on these things - I never can quite express the things that I just... know and believe for myself. But it looks like I'll have to bite the bullet. And once I'm done with that, I have to study for a test in Western Civ tomorrow.. yay...

Anyway, I'm looking forward to Justin being back at Bryan. I'll have someone else with whom I can share and plot my evil intentions once Peter has left me... *tear* I have many more (worse/more violent/funnier) examples but... the following should proof enough:

Justin (10:02:35 PM): are their any illuminati left?
Me (10:02:55 PM): I dunno... if they are, they're not on my hall
Me (10:03:03 PM): *thanks God*
Justin (10:03:04 PM): good work
Me (10:03:09 PM): ^_^ I do my best

LoL, yessssss. This is going to rock.

Last night was good.

Current mood: sleepy
Current music:Jingle Bell Rock, by Bobby Helms

I walked in the rain, lightning revealing my dark, cloaked form in the shadows... and then I danced around in time with the thunder, ensuring that no dry spot would be left on my body.

Even so, tonight was better - by very little, but nonetheless better. Butts getting sprayed by cleaning solution. People getting "thumb kissed." Constant battles between a monk and a pervert. A Christmas banquet date who does know my name (first AND last, whoa! I think he cheated). Scalp-rubbing and consequent molting... o.O. X-Men with friends at the Fendrich house. People, it just doesn't get much better than that.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I'm kinda bummed today.

Current mood: bummed
Current music:Fade Into You, by Mazzy Starr

I just found out, as some of you already know from my protected entry, that my Christmas banquet date doesn't remember my name. I was already a little bummed because my math test was this morning, and I don't think I did well on it at all... plus I managed to sleep through both my alarm clock and my cell phone alarm this morning, so I now have only one skip left in Western Civ. GARN. And the test is on Friday, so I definitely shouldn't have missed today.

And then this came up. I mentioned briefly on the protected entry my plan to wear a name tag to the banquet so he'll have a "cheat sheet." And unless I start hearing some "Sherry"'s from that boy, I mean to go through with it. Okay, maybe not, but it is a pretty funny idea, you have to admit. Or maybe you don't. Ya know what, never mind.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Funny story.

Current mood: sleepy
Current music:King Of My World, by Saliva

After the guys left to take the trash down and stuff, I went to the bathroom, gathered up my stuff, and headed out. When I got outside, I started walking slowly, meandering as I watched the rays of light coming through the trees because of the fog... it was pretty flippin sweet. I got to the fork in the sidewalk and decided to walk toward Huston cuz I wasn't ready to go inside and continue paper-writing *gag*. Anyway, I was listening to this one mad crazy depressing piano song off of the Texhnolyze soundtrack, so it wasn't very loud or substantial in its... covering... of my hearing? Yeah. Anyway. A few feet up the path, I heard funky steps - like, definitely not someone just walking by. Someone was following me. So I turned around, and Jason was kind of hunched over walking behind me and he was all like "ah man, dang it!" and started laughing. It was pretty funny, but I can't help but wonder what he planned on doing if I hadn't ever turned around... o.O he might have followed me forever if I had been listening to my usual I-can't-hear-you-guys-cuz-my-headphones-are-in music! lol It was kind of embarrassing though when I caught him, cuz then he started walking away... quickly. He was doing his fast walk, which is fast even for me! (and those of you who have ever walked with me, you know how much of an accomplishment that is) So here I am, looking like an idiot as I walk a few yards behind him, trying to have a bit of conversation and occasionally getting him to look back.. and laugh. So yeah. I feel like an idiot, lol.

Oh, but I tell you what. There is nothing quite so nice as someone recognizing your semi-obscure away message, and there is nothing quite so amusing as reading their response as they play along!

(09:50:53) Justin: i promise, things will be better for you one day
(09:50:53) Me : No, YOU chut up! *sobs and runs away*

So I'm making another list of "Things I've Learned This Week," and my first lessons shalt be these:

(1) Guys wearing aprons are hot. I'm sorry, they just are.

(2) Homework never ends. I don't care how many assignments you manage to complete because you sacrifice an entire week of sleep - there will ALWAYS be more to do. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but SOON.

(3) Contrary to the belief of the Rolling Stones, time is NOT on my side. Seriously, I'm losing the majority of my closest, dearest friends at the end of this school year, and nothing can make the day come any more slowly. If I don't think about it, I have fun, so time flies and BOOM! They're gone. If I do think about it, I get depressed and can't enjoy my last days with these people, and before I know it, BOOM! They're gone. Stupid, stupid Time. You need a pause button, buddy.

To be continued... (ooh, methinks I've been watching way too much Bleach.)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

After two days of Bleach marathoning....

Current mood: hyper
Current music:Hysteria, by Muse

...I am happy to report the following:

Take The Quiz Yourself!

It was my cosplay destiny!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Beware of geeks bearing gifts...

Current mood: blah
Current music:Why Can't I, by Liz Phair

Currently Watching
Donnie Darko - The Director's Cut
By Jake Gyllenhaal, Mary McDonnell, Jena Malone
see related

Yesterday was pretty good overall... My presentation in Fine Arts went well, I think - I wouldn't have thought so except that two different people came up at different times and complimented me on how well I did. Hmm... here's hoping Wilhoit thought so too! Hey, he liked my Vienna Fingers (I gave the class those cuz I did my presentation on Beethoven's Vienna, mwahaha).... but yeah. Open dorm turned out to be mostly okay.... Pretty much ALL okay, really, except for the fact that I felt really bad about not watching Dead Poets' Society with Jason ;_;. Although.. I have a sneaking suspicion he hadn't planned on staying and watching it (maybe because he couldn't find anyone that had it) cuz, even though he chose not to come into Katie and Laura's room and watch a movie with us (which I would understand), he definitely ran off and I had to chase him to catch him before he got all the way down the stairwell in order to ask him something! Yeesh! I hope I'm right about my suspicion, cuz otherwise I feel REALLY bad.... I even had a nightmare about it, lol.

Anyway, a bunch of us piled into Katie and Laura's room to watch Donnie Darko, which I had been dying to see for a long long time, and I loved it! I need to watch it again, and I've decided it is one of those movies you canNOT watch just once - it's much to complex/layered for that. After the movie, most of us + a few more went down to Peter's house to watch Kingdom of Heaven, even though most of the time I was sitting in the kitchen talking to Drew. ^_^ Oh, and as a side note..... Eric burned my hair!!! See if I visit him again!!! I locked myself in the bathroom and cried, lol.

Your Heart Is Blue
Love is a doing word for you. You know it's love when you treat each other well.You are a giving lover, but you don't give too much. You expect something in return.Your flirting style: FriendlyYour lucky first date: Lunch at an outdoor cafeYour dream lover: Is both generous and selfishWhat you bring to relationships: Loyalty
What Color Heart Do You Have?

What do they mean, "below average"??? Psh!
Your IQ Is 135
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average
Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius
Your Mathematical Intelligence is Genius
Your General Knowledge is Exceptional
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to!
How Machiavellian Are You?

Pink. It figures.
Your Hair Should Be Pink
Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun.You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Me and my big mouth. DANG it.

Current mood: crushed
Current music:Boomerang, by Cirrus

After trying so hard to get my friends to sign up for archery so I wouldn't be alone (and worrying myself to death because they all kept saying they couldn't fit it in, "sorry"), NOW the class is full, and I'm on a Bob-forsaken WAITING LIST!!!!! I know this will probably be my only chance to take it, so I've been crying all the way back from Dr. Legg's office. I felt bad cuz my roomie was about to take a nap but got out of bed to hug me because she heard me... ;_; Dang it! I was doing good until I called Peter, and then I lost it and haven't stopped crying since. Worst part is, I can't do a thing about it.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

No witty titles come to mind...

Current mood: worried
Current music:Winter, by Bella Morte

This past Saturday and Sunday rocked, pretty much a LOT. Yeah. Saturday was spent doing mostly nothing until open dorm, at which time I went with several other people down to the Woodlee South lounge and watched Zoolander and Bewitched - both of which I've seen and loved, so yaaay for that! Then a bunch of us went to Buffalo Wild Wings for practically the rest of the night (before curfew at 2 AM anyway...). Hmm, let's see if I can remember everybody.. I'll start with the car I was in: Caddy (driving), David (Gehring), Lawrence, and Chuck... and then in Tyler's car was him, Michelle, Luke, Zack, and Megan... Hopefully I'm not forgetting anyone, but yeah. FUN!

Sunday was mostly good, and the only reason it was even that good was all thanks to Mitch, Ben, and Jo! They took me with them to Pocket that afternoon, and we walked the trail for a while, stopped to eat an MRE, then returned. When I got back, the dinner options scared me so bad that I grabbed Michelle and we ordered a pizza. Very nice. ^_^

Okay, here's the downside of today's entry (as a forewarning)... Actually, you know what? I'm just going to leave it at the fact that girls can't always be trusted, and I'm really worried about something going on in my life that kind of has to do with that. I'll leave the rest for a protected entry... maybe. Well, maybe not, since nobody reads this except for Michelle anymore, and she already knows what's going on. Ah well. I need sleep. *in a very Kip-esque voice* Peace, out.

P.S. Back on the bright side, Peter comes (or came) home tonight! Yay! I missed him. ;_;

Saturday, November 05, 2005

What a day/night!

Current mood: content
Current music:I Wanna Be Adored, by The Stone Roses

Let's see.... first notable good thingy to happen today... I dunno..... we'll just go down the list of stuff I did!

    Stuff I did:
  • Western Civ was good, cuz I got to talk a little more to Ryan than I usually do...
  • Math was math. Geh.
  • Chapel was good, cuz it was a card chapel and therefore I sat next to someone not often within seating-buddy range - Jason. That was fun, lol.
  • Skipped World Lit so I could work on a presentation I was supposed to give today...
  • ...but then found out in Fine Arts that my presentation isn't till NEXT Friday, yaaaay! Sweet relief!
  • Went to Peter's house right after Fine Arts to watch Boondock Saints.
  • Peter left for Virginia (*tears*) and I started walking back up the hill after the movie and got caught by the creepy house with no front door!! LoL Actually, it so happens that Phil Schroeder is moving into the house, and so he and Ben were watching me out of the window and calling my name... o.O... riiiight.... Anyway, so I went inside and spent some time with them, helping Phil, Ben, and Jo move him in, which included a trip to the house he was temporarily in and where all his stuff was. We got back around 6:15, just in time for dinner-that's-actually-breakfast... -_- (which I'm still not thrilled to pieces about).
  • Roomie, Michelle, and I went to the fine arts concert tonight and sat on the row with Woodlee South (^_^). I sat next to my good buddy MATT, and apparently I was sitting on his invisible friend.. oh well! lol
  • After the concert, I got some wicked good pictures of... well.. Jason in his tux cuz nobody else stuck around for picture time, and of course the "photo shoot" actually consisted of Jason, Luke, Michelle, and myself being mostly dumb, lol.
  • A whole bunch of people came to my room (if briefly) for open dorm tonight! It started out as Christina and Ben, with Ben fixing her compy, and Michelle and me... and eventually Jason came around, and then other people began to show up! We ate caramel apples, watched silly videos on my compy, and talked about various random things... including an in-depth interpretation of my poster of the painting "Faith" by Ruth Thompson.

  • And then Beth-Beth took me to Walmart ^_^ -- yaaaay Beth-Beth! And now I'm here. And I'm about to go to bed, so... yeah.. the end. lol.

And a little present to end my entry (a few quizzes I took at random):

Gustav Mahler definitely lived by the statement, "Music is life. The rest is just details." Mahler was a composer in the summer and a conductor during the main orchestra season, and he was so obsessed with musical perfection that he earned a reputation as a harsh and terrifying tyrant. In fact, he was a tiny little fellow who tied so much of his vulnerable inner self to his music that he felt completely compelled to draw the best performance out of his players. He was so very attached, in fact, that he feared that elements of his own musicÑ-such as three hammer blows in the 6th Symphony, or the concept of sure death after writing a 9th--would kill him. He tried to steer around these things through editing and creative numbering, but that gesture only further proves how close Mahler was to his own music. A few key works: Kindertotenleider, Das Lied von der Erde, Symphony No. 6, Symphony No. 9

Take the Dead German Composer Test!

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Well... it just sucks to be me, apparently, lol.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat!

Current mood: ecstatic
Current music:Here Comes The Rain Again, by The Eurythmics

Well, the state of agony has come to an end at last! I asked Jason to the Christmas banquet by fashioning a "fake" transfer menu thingy, as seen here:

He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.

-Benjamin Franklin

Christmas Banquet Menu

David Aaron

Peter Tyler

Caddy Beisner

Jason (Circle desires “toppings”)

Bought attire –OR- Rented stuff

Tuxedo Sneakers T-shirt Dress

Jeans Spandex Bow Tie Shorts

Name Please:

Available upgrades:

v $1 extra for Boutonniere for you

v $1 extra for That was mean

v $0.50 extra for Forget & Disregard that :)

Granted, the fonts and spacing are a little funkified here, so it doesn't look exactly as it should, but believe me - it was hilarious to see everybody's face when they saw it. (BTW, the quote at the top really is on the top of the actual transfer menu, I just never noticed it before. haha) I had sized it and cut it out to be the perfect match of any normal transfer menu... and it drove me nuts in the process! I printed it out four times before I got it just how I wanted it. Anyway, I circled Jason's name, along with the supposed toppings "tuxedo" and "bow tie," and gave the slip of paper to Peter to put up with all of the other orders. When Jason came to work, he saw it, and right as I was beginning to think he was hiding away in the kitchen, he came out to where I was sitting with a plate in hand and said "Your order's up, Sherry" - at which time I looked at the plate, and BOOM! there it was:

I laughed, it was so awesome! So yeah, afterward Michelle and I took some pictures, this one being on her lovely bedspread, lol. This way I can keep the memory but not have to keep the mayonnaise around to rot, lol. Lucky Jason gets to keep his and show it to people in all of its amusement. But now mine's immortalized in film, so yay for that! I'm happy. So now I'm going to go do the homework I couldn't concentrate on earlier, hah. G'night, my loves. ^_^

P.S. After wearing our dresses (and my cape) all day, to classes and all, Michelle and I went trick-or-treating to Woodlee South (where we got mostly tricks in the form of used boxers, garbage, and containers full of mold growths that apparently have names, being "pet" mold), the Fendrich household (now THAT was amusing - Caleb coming to the door, slamming it shut, and then both of them coming again to the door once we knocked again, this time with weapons... and candy ^_^), and then Eric's house, weeee! Anyway NOW, I'm really going to go do homework!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Baby carrots with rosemary... HAHA, yikes!

Current mood: devious
Current music:Did My Time, by Korn

Yay for last night! Went to Peter's house after dinner and watched the rest of Saikano (which turned out to be so incredibly depressing that even Peter wasn't sure he could handle it, lol), and then I got him started on Fruits Basket. I figured he'd probably die from cuteness overload after the first episode, but he actually lasted through two and thought it was maybe pretty funny..... so we'll see how he likes the rest, perhaps today. Anyway, after that, I made my way back to campus and went with Sarah to rent some horror movies from Blockbuster for our Dingograhaween. We ended up getting A Nightmare on Elm Street and Rosemary's Baby, neither of which scared me. The latter was actually more on the freaking WEIRD side than scary... and now I don't like old people. Thanks a lot, Roman Polanksi.

So after the movies, we went to sleep...... and Sarah got up around 10 to go to church, so I got up with her. Apparently, I was talking in my sleep last night, and I hope none of it was understandable, seeing as how I was dreaming about a BOY *gasp*. Actually, it was a hilarious dream, now that I look back at it. The guy comes out of Woodlee and I'm up on top of the small hill (??) that is the Triangle - why the Triangle is a hill in my dream, I'll never know, save that it resembled my front yard a good bit. Anyway, he walks out, and I'm sitting with Bethany Perseghetti and Matt Smith, and we call to him... so he comes up, and I pretty much cross my arms and scowl at him because I'm upset with him. (Anyone who was at the dinner table with me last night knows who I'm talking about.) Some side notes: I distinctly remember a box of Life cereal beside me, which is quite amusing... I guess I've been eating too much Life lately if I'm starting to see the box in my dreams!! Plus I just finished my box yesterday, so that might be the reason. Weird, no? Man, if I see the infamous "him" today at lunch, I'm gonna.... well, probably just gonna cross my arms and scowl like in my dream. *sigh* I talk big like I'm going to kick some tush, but all I really ever end up doing is glaring.

I never get tired of this.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Herman's Hermit

Current mood: discontent
Current music:Forsaken, by Disturbed

I am being a recluse and a hermit today! I'm not leaving my room, not even for lunch... until dinner, at which time I'll feast on the *coughNOTcough* wonderful cafeteria and then make my way down to Peter's house to watch the last disc of Saikano with him. And then I'll go to Sarah's room and have our Dingograhaween, watching horror movies till the wee hours of morn.

But for the moment, I am sad. Do not ask me why. I'd not be able to tell you. Well, I suppose maybe I could offer some contributing factors, but yeah.... I feel strange, like I'm alone even though I know I could probably find something to do with someone today if I really went looking for it. Maybe I'm just in a weird mood cuz I just finished Fruits Basket (and I always get kinda sad when I finish an anime series, cuz it's over *tear*).

Good news, though. Peter did, in fact, come up to visit me after all and brought Tyler with him! Although Jason didn't come, I was disappointed but not surprised; when I had invited him, he said he might come and, as I've learned from my other guy friends, that generally translates to "no, I'm not coming, but I'm not going to say no cuz I don't want you to cry or hurt me or something." *sigh* Boys. Ah well, back to the story. Tyler left a while afterward to visit someone else, and Peter and I just watched AMVs (anime music videos) while my roommate, her boyfriend, her sister, and then the momentary Matt and Amy watched Corky Romano. Eventually, Peter and I decided to go down to the house and watch some anime - and his choice was Saikano - so we watched two of the three discs last night.

Anyway, today is my day of seclusion. A day that shall consist of nothing but homework, sleep, and anime... until tonight, that is. In its own right, I suppose I will remain in seclusion to a certain extent, right? After all, I'll only be with one other person at those times, and doubtful that anyone else will see me. Either way, I'm done babbling about it here.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Isn't it ironic?

Current mood: bored
Current music:Blue Dress, by Depeche Mode

Since no guys are coming to my room for open dorm AS USUAL, I'm messing around on my compy in utter boredom. So here:

Your Haloween Costume Should Be

A Bumble Bee

This is ironic, given the events of Halloween my freshman year.... Becca C. knows..... HHAHAHAHAHA and I have pictures!

...and then we have...

You Are 25 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Current mood: jubilant
Current music:Time Of My Life, by Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes

Tony surpised Dayna by showing up and proposing to her at 10 AM this morning!!! Everybody who has been close to the two of them gathered around and watched it all happen.. and, of course, I cried. It was so sweeeeeeettttt!! I'm going to make Matt send me copies of the pictures he took, lol, at which time I will post a few of them here.

I would go into the details of last weekend - finally - but... I'm not going to cuz I'm just that lazy. And I want to watch anime till lunch. I was going to take a nap... but like I can now!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Postal-service-y goodness!

Current mood: excited
Current music:Flamboyant, by Pet Shop Boys

Checking my mail has never been so exciting!! I opened my box, and what was waiting for me? A package slip -- signifying the LONG-awaited arrival of my Pet Shop Boys' "PopArt: The Hits" CD from the UK to home to school -- and my paycheck from the one day of work at McMennamy-Nafziger over Fall Break. Money and two discs of sweet-A music. Suddenly life if making a turn-around. Funny how that works, no?

I think in music videos.

Current mood: thoughtful
Current music:TNT For The Brain, by Enigma

A friend of mine once said, "I think in lyrics." After some random thought, I realized that I think (or, most often, daydream) in music videos. I see random 'clips' of memories in my mind and I can almost at times hear music with it. Weird, I know, but it is quite so. Maybe that will explain why I usually feel the need to have music in my ears wherever I go.

Anyway, I was thinking today in the cafe about something. I don't know why exactly, but I was extremely sad after dinner. I felt like my heart was being crushed in a vice, and for what reason, I'll never know. But that led me to ask why. Why God made me to feel with my heart like I do. Why I feel so deeply, no matter what the feeling may be. I have yet to gain a complete answer, but through the thoughts of a friend I was brought to understand that at least it isn't always a bad thing. All people have the capacity to feel this deeply, but they simply shut off that part of their heart. Perhaps this is true, but it doesn't make me feel any less abnormal for it. Oh well, that's just one of my thoughts for the day.

Anyway, I'm going to try to go to bed before 2 AM for a change, so I'm going to go nurse my foot (I opened the lounge door on it and got a lovely, deep bruise across the side of it) and get ready for bed. G'night, my friends. As always, it was a pleasure.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Eh.. *shrugs*

Current mood: blank
Current music:Wanna Be Startin Something, by Michael Jackson

I'm back at school... just in case anyone was wondering where I went, though I highly doubt it. Some interesting stuff has happened, as well as some uninteresting stuff. I am only ever so slightly depressed today for some reason, and I'm physically ill. Last night my head was hurting so bad I cried. And today.... yikes. No headaches, but lots of other trouble. Apparently, my digestive system was not ready to come back to cafeteria food! And I don't blame it. But yeah, I've been feeling kinda funky all day. Just a little update, and now I'm back to work/play.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Reality bites.

Current mood: hopeful

Current music: Just Like Heaven, by The Cure (haha, yep ~_^)

No really. I just realized that it's Thursday, my break is more than half over, I'm working tomorrow from 8:30 to 4 or 5, and I still haven't done the whole unpacking-my-summer-clothes-and-repacking-winter-stuff thing yet! Plus, several different people are vying for my time and attention before I go back to school and I don't know what I'm going to do! lol Anyway, it's all good. I just have to make some executive decisions... which will probably be made during the hours of doing nothing at work but waiting for the phone to ring, lol. (geez, I hope I remember how to do everything, now that I think of it...)

Mom and I went and saw Just Like Heaven, and it was a much needed chick-flick-fix! I loved it. I absolutely loved it. And I don't care what anybody else thinks, mwahahaha. Seriously, though, if anybody doesn't want to see it in theaters but wants to see it at all, I can assure you that I'll be buying it as soon as it comes out on DVD. Tonight - actually, in an hour - both my parents and I are going to see Flightplan and then eating dinner at Olive Garden (yaaaay!). If Flightplan is as good as I'm hoping it will be, then I will have a three-days-of-awesome-movies streak, weeeee! Here's hoping.... and now I'm off to the shower!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Where There Is Faith

Current mood: thoughtful
Current music:Where There Is Faith, by 4HIM

It was a restful weekend, the perfect start to a wonderful week of Fall Break. I've still got a great deal on my mind, but at least now I have the time and the extra brain space since midterms are, for the most part, over and I don't have classes for a week. I now have the time to sit and reflect on the most recent happenings all around us. We are surrounded. Surrounded by disaster and death. Every time I flip on the TV, more people are reported dead. Hurricanes in the southeastern US, mudslides in Guatemala, the deadly bird flu in Asia that may become pandemic, earthquakes in Pakistan killing thousands... So much death all at once. Sometimes it is hard not to despair, but then I think back on all of the wonderful, Heaven-blessed things that have also happened recently. I mean, one thing that has remained in my thoughts since the beginning of the semester is the fact that a good friend of mine named Adam has been able to be here (at Bryan, that is) with us all this time -- all because of a great donation made by a relatively poor man who took the money out of his equity loan. As long as people like that still roam the earth, I have hope. I only pray that I might be even half the person he is. I see pain and suffering everywhere I turn, but the fact remains that God is with us. Always.

P.S. Tomorrow's the date with Jared ^.^ -- and don't worry, Christina, I won't tell you how Serenity ends, I promise. LoL

Shopping list (cuz if I don't put it here, I WILL forget by the time I get back to school):

  • 4x6 index cards
  • winter baby clothes (cuz Andrea's due on Jan. 27th!)
  • flour tortillas
  • grated cheese
  • hairstyling gel
  • Tuesday, October 04, 2005

    Thorn In My Side!

    Current mood: disappointed
    Current music:The sounds of Beth, Michelle, and Christina studying in here

    So I found out the hard way, after rushing through Escaflowne and wasting 20 minutes of my life trying to find the right channel downstairs, that House did not come on tonight... -_-. Why me? lol

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    You guys, I think my blood hates me and is trying to escape!

    Current mood: curious
    Current music:Claire de Lune, by Claude DeBussey

    Seriously, though... not only has my foot exploded inside, but I now have a couple bruises on my legs, and I just found another one this morning on my right forearm! And I really don't know where they came from. o.O So yeah, I think my body is gradually exploding.

    P.S. What, whaaat??

    Sunday, October 02, 2005

    A Walk To Remember

    Current mood: ponderous
    Current music:Pretear OST

    Actually, not just the walk across the field, but the entire weekend was very memorable. On Friday, I did the whole recitation of Shakespeare for the Homecoming Court Talent Show in chapel... and although I messed up on the fast stuff, everybody loved it! According to everyone I talked to, the messing up made it even more funny. So all was well. ^_^ Then of course Andy, Michelle, Kim, Peter, Matt, Blaschke, and I went to Hamilton Place to see Tim Burton's Corpse Bride - which was, by the way, freakin awesome!! Peter says it was the first romantic comedy he liked. LoL. I also came to the conclusion while I was watching it that I am the Corpse Bride. I am Emily. (Cue the line: "I love you, Victor... but you're not mine.")

    Anyway, after the movie, we went wandering around downtown Chatty, eventually crossing the walking bridge... and right before that, we were looking at the view from a part of the Hunter Museum, and suddenly I felt an excrutiating stinging pain in my right foot, on the side of the pad right below my big toe. I was freaking out (silently, so as not to upset the group) and wondering what got me, especially in light of my last little run-in with tiny painful insects. Did I ever tell the ants story, btw?? Remind me if I haven't yet. Anyway, I kept it to myself and only told Andy at first, so we kept walking over to Coolidge Park - and then Jared called me, so I talked to him for a while as I walked ^_^. We had such an interesting conversation going, as always, but then we're about to get back into Andy's car, so Michelle was all like "you're not going to talk to him in the car, are you?" *sigh* I was actually already saying goodbye reluctantly to him, so that was kind of another jab in my ribs, but oh well.

    When we got back to Dayton, we went to Peter's house for a while and played Mafia and talked with whoever was already there, and I actually officially met the younger Fendrich brother now residing at the house - Drew. Well, when I was sitting on the couch, I looked down at my foot and saw that the part that had been stinging so badly was PURPLE!!! That was when I found out what really happened. A blood vessel that ran across the bone at that part got busted.... so pretty much my foot 'sploded!!!! OW. It still hurts when I run into stuff (obviously) but I have no trouble walking, so it's all good. I guess. It's gross to think about though, hahaha.

    Saturday was one big, long blur. Got up and went down to the soccer field to rehearse the half time Homecoming Court walk, went back to my room, napped for 20 minutes, showered, dressed, went to Christina's room to get my hair and makeup done, then went to the Student Life building (cuz we had to meet at 1:45 to ride down to the field). We stood out in the hot sun and sweat to death for the first half of the game (haha), walked out at half time, then left (or at least I did). I went down to Peter's house so he could see the dress and stuff, then I changed down there, came back up and ate dinner in the cafe, then hung out with Michelle, Kim, Ashley, Adam, Laura, Katie, Michelle (yes, a different one), Joe, Adam's mom and sister for the rest of the night - playing Apples to Apples. ^_^

    Today, I went to the Hunter Museum with Heidi and Becca to get in my first fine arts critique event, since it's due by the 7th and I definitely won't be able to do anything in Atlanta before then. Then we went to Clumpie's and I got CHAI ICE CREAM in a waffle cone! CHAI ICE CREAM!!! OOOOH, it was soooo good. Be jealous, Mom! lol jk ...but yeah, so then when I got back to my room, I collapsed into my bed... and fell asleep. Didn't wake up in time for dinner either, not that I mind missing Sunday dinner EVER. *gag* but David missed it too, and when he told me he was going to eat mac n cheese and I expressed interest, he totally brought me some to make too ^_^. Yaaaay! And now that I have recounted the events of the weekend and kept you all out of the dark, I go to do homework. This week is gonna SUCK, what with midterms and all... but that will make the next week that much better! O Fall Break... wait for me! lol

    By the way, I've got something on my mind, and it's making me very sad, so just pray I either find someone to spill my heart to or get a big hug from, or at least that somehow I won't slip into another depression over it. Don't worry, it's not about me, it's just that my heart is breaking for someone else... ;_; Pray for their heart more than mine, actually.