Thursday, September 29, 2005

Life is good.

Current mood: happy
Current music:(L.S.F.) Lost Souls Forever, by Kasabian

No more homework. Grape soda. Fresh, homemade quesadilla. Peanut butter cups. Anime. Does it get any better than this?

(The only thing that could make this a more perfect evening for me is if I were having another long conversation with a very cool person - right, Jared? lol)

If I had a nickel for every time somebody gave me five cents...

Currently Watching
Escaflowne - Dragons and Destiny (Vol. 1)
By Escaflowne, Shoji Kawamori
see related
Current mood: giggly
Current music:Lonely, by Akon

Yeah, that was random. Anyway, something exciting happened this morning: I found 4 dollars in my khaki pants pocket!! Yay for having 4 more dollars than I had before (or at least more than I knew I had before). At least that's something to smile about, haha. Last night was kind of crappy, save the nice conversation with Jared. Seriously, I've been looking forward to the later hours of my nights for that very reason - I hold onto that to get me through the day. *laughs* So now Jared's going to be all like, "whoooa you're weird. *scoots away quickly*" ...Honestly, I haven't had anyone to talk to for a very lengthened period of time for a while now, so it's a welcomed and enjoyed diversion.

Moving right along, my despair last night heightened from having to memorize 18 lines of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales by today at 1:30 (on which I got an A, by the way! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^) to additionally being notified that I have to come up with a talent to perform in chapel tomorrow as part of Homecoming Court! *stabs self in face* LoL. I figure I'll just recite some Shakespeare I memorized a long time ago that has managed to stay with me completely ever since.. and today at lunch, Paige and Michelle convinced me that I should say it a second time, really ridiculously fast, afterward - and yes, I can do it. They said even if I mess up, it'll be hilarious. So it's decided. As per request, that is my talent for tomorrow... in front of the whole school, mwahahaha!

I'm really excited about this weekend, despite my nervousness about being out there in front of everybody and their mom...TWICE. Here's just hoping I don't trip on my dress when I'm walking on the field. LoL, yikes. This is definitely a completely new experience for me, and I'm glad it happened. I know my friends and family are going to be out there in the crowd rooting for me, no matter how much I look like a dork . Thanks, guys - I love you! Oh, and my brother's coming up and taking Michelle, Kim, maybe Peter?, and me to see The Corpse Bride tomorrow night, so I'm like wet-your-pants excited about that!! ...and strict room was cancelled for tonight, so I have more time to catch up on some homework I've fallen behind on. Yay! God does like me!

P.S. I heard the song listed as my current music last night while waiting in line for Midnight Madness (at which I was early enough to get that free t-shirt and pizza! yeah buddy), and it really grew on me. So I found it on Dogpile. ^_^ For the record, I'm not lonely anymore, I just like the song a lot - and it doesn't really sound that sad, so it's all good! And now I'm off to watch Escaflowne till dinner...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What part of this was supposed to surprise me?

Current mood: bored
Current music:Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity, by Holst

You scored as Marianne Dashwood. Most girls can relate with Marianne on a more personal level than some of Austen's other characters. She represents the emotional longings and struggles that seem to attack and bless us at the same time. Loyal to a fault, passionate for experience and life, and a bit over-emotional, Marianne matures and grows (making her so beloved).

Marianne Dashwood


Emma Woodhouse


Elizabeth Bennet


Jane Bennet


Elinor Dashwood


Charlotte Lucas


Lady Catherine


Which Jane Austen Character are You?
created with

Seriously. Can we say "predictable" or what?

Monday, September 26, 2005

Bryan College email is a douche.

Current mood: geeky
Current music:Somebody Told Me, by The Killers

No? You don't think so? Okay, I just sent Jared the same email three times because it kept telling me that I hadn't sent it yet, so I had to send a fourth to apologize!! So YES, BryanNet IS, in fact, a douche.

Anyway, time for more fun stories from AWA! First of all, one of those times when I made a fool of myself in front of Jared.... So Katie had given me a can of Pringles to carry in my bag, because her bag was full... and I forgot about it as the day wore on. So while I was standing there talking to Jared as we waited to go into the AMV room, I was absently bashing my bag against my leg. Suddenly I felt something hit my foot. I was like, "what the..." and looked around in confusion. Jared saw a piece of what looked to be a potato chip, bent down to pick it up, then concluded that it seemed to be a tortilla chip. I was like, "why are people throwing tortilla chips at me?? That's so cruel.." Jared suggested that it was nothing personal and completely random... so I let it go. Then a little while later, I felt more stuff on my foot, looked down, and saw a whole mess of tiny chips around my feet. At that point, it hit me. I forgot I had a hole in my bag, plus I forgot I had those Pringles in there. >.< So I was blaming someone else for my own dumminess, hahahahaha. So Jared and I ate the crumbs still in the bottom of my bag... lol And hey, he didn't run away after seeing my dorkness, so I felt happy. Second of all, during that same portion of our long conversation, Jared was saying something about being the emperor of the world, and I said something about there being conflict then (because I intended to rule the world)... so he gave me a good answer to that: "You can be the empress." Good answer, indeed. And he didn't say it all manskanky-like, so that's why it was a good answer. By the way, as I have discovered from an unpleasant encounter this morning, a word to the wise: Don't assume that the milk in the cafeteria is always fresh. I was reduced to having to drink 2% today because I took a nice, big drink of skim milk at breakfast and nearly gagged. At first I didn't notice, but then... it started tasting funny in my mouth... and I looked at Michelle with wide-eyed panic and said, "I think it's sour... yes, it's definitely sour!" and ran to the dish pit to say bye-bye to the cup of nastiness.

Hey, I found Becca's Photobucket! Check it, check it out. FYI, the picture of Jared and me did not turn out very good (stupid crappy lighting...), so no judging allowed of either of us. Just wait till MINE get developed. Oh yeah. ^^

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Current mood: cheerful
Current music:Girls And Boys, by Good Charlotte

*sigh* So ends Anime Weekend Atlanta 11, 2005. It always goes by too bloody quickly, but I suppose that's just the way things go. I'm BUTT tired right now, so if I either (a) don't make any sense, or (b) refrain from going into a lot of detail about stuff, then... well... sorry. Just ask me about it tomorrow and you'll definitely get an ear full.

Okay, so let's start at the beginning, since I'm fairly sure that is the best place to start. Becca and I met up with our friend Katie and drove to Chatty to switch to Becca's boyfriend Patrick's car (and pick up her sister Marie). Then we were off! We stopped at Walmart for sandwich food and stuffs to eat all weekend, and then before we knew it we were at the Cobb Galleria! weeeee!!! After waiting in a butt long line to get my badge, we wandered, and I definitely saw Archer from last year!!! 'Cept I was confused cuz he was wearing glasses this year, and I was thinking "oooooh, he not supposed to wear glasses, I's telling!!!"..... and then later I saw him in one of the rooms showing anime, and getting a better look at him told me he was in the same basic outfit but was in fact no longer Archer.. but Fury! So okay, my bad. Still loved his uniform though, dang it *sigh*. So I asked for a picture, telling him "I know I got a picture of you last year, but I want one with you this time!" So Becca has it on her digital camera, and I'm about to wet my pants to get at it!

*ahem* ANYway. So I looked for him on Saturday, and made two other friends in the process - Johnathan and Chris. I was actually wandering around whining, "Fury..... where aaaaare yooou?.... Fuuuurrryyyy," along with my fruitless search for a GOOD Wolfwood cosplayer. Oh well, maybe next year... plus I'll be Robin and Himeno too, so Wolfwood won't be as much of a necessity. Johnathan says he'll be my Amon when I'm Robin, but we'll just see if he keeps singing that tune come next September. But yeah, back to the topic at hand. Katie and I hung around with Johnathan for the remainder of the day, and then we met Chris in the two-hour (-_-) line to watch the as-of-yet-unreleased Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children... and Katie nearly killed us all playing with his katana.. o.O yeah.

Today we had a late start, but the moment I got there, as I was walking into the Artist's Alley (where pre-registration for next year was), THERE WAS FURY!!!!!! I just about died, but then I was too cowardly to go talk to him or anything *tear* -- Katie kept threatening to glomp him if I didn't, but I was like "I don't wanna scare him!!" And then he was gone. Meh. So once Chris found us, we all headed over to the Dealer's Room in search of Fury (since that was the direction in which he had gone).... and after much despair, Katie found him!! And then she threatened to glomp him if I didn't again, and I was like, "NO, you'll hurt him!!" lol... so she shoved me toward him and I hugged him while saying "Okay, I'm sparing you, because if I don't glomp you, SHE will... and you don't want that." And we started talking. A lot. And then we formally introduced hahahaha... and then exchanged emails... and then wandered around. Yes! He joined our nomadic group, hah! We were excited. Although... Katie eventually ran off and Chris followed her, so it was just Jared and me (--oh yeah, Fury's real name is Jared ^_^).. so we wandered, half in search of the missing party, and half out of time-killing because we wanted to go watch AMVs at 2:30 and it was only 1:30 or so.

Okay, here's the good part, for those of you who like to skip the "boring" parts... -_- When Jared and I got into the room for the AMVs, it was flippin COLD in there. So he told me I could borrow his uniform jacket because he had a long-sleeved shirt on underneath it anyway... yay! And he smelled good, which is a rarity among people at anime conventions hahahahaha (right, Stephen? ~_^). but yeah, isn't that sweet? ^_^ That made my day. heck, that made my week. He is definitely my favorite new friend from this weekend, and I miss him already *tear*. I was told not to email him until tomorrow so as not to frighten him away.. hahaha. But I'm not sure I could do that, cuz I made a fool of myself plenty today, I'd say, and he still stayed with me. Yay, Jared! *huggles... or should I say, glomps*

Oh sweet mother of Bob... (second one down) This is the kind of crap I have to deal with all weekend every year. Thank heaven for people like Jared! Thankfully, he was the last person (outside of my party) that I saw, so I am cured of my poor eye/mind violation.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Current mood: bouncy

I'll see you guys when I get back from ATL on Sunday night!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Oh, I forgot to talk about last night (and I still haven't talked about the weekend of Andrea's wedding... dang it!) but yeah, I went over to Peter's house to do some homework, and that was nice. I found out some new things about him too, lol - one of which is that he makes the best hot chocolate in the history of .. hot..chocolate...makers? I dunno, but it was GOOD. Then he walked me back to school, the end. Now onward, toward the new, anime-filled weekend!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

I have four words for you people: I TOLD YOU SO.

Current mood: lazy
Current music:Buffy and Angel Love Theme (*tear*)

So if you ever wonder why I am hesitant to admit my love for anime to outsiders, today's Foundations of Language class should be a good enough reason, I'd say. I mentioned travelling with some friends to Atlanta as a prayer request... Thats when the damning question came. I knew it was coming before anyone even thought it and, lo and behold, it came. "Why are you going to Atlanta?" (after a fashion) I tried to avoid the inevitable by simply answering, "a convention." Didn't work. Much to my chagrin, they inquired as to the nature of the convention. So I told them, DANG IT. And as sure as I am alive, the moment the word "anime" crossed my lips, Mr. Milligan starting laughing and said, "OH, you're one of THOSE." See? Didn't I tell you (in almost those exact words) that's what people always do? I totally told you. And I got chuckled at by my entire class (all eight of them) to prove it.

On a lighter note: Hala kalikimaka - waaay early!

On an even lighter note, I just got some super-mad-crazy-butt-exciting news last night... news that will reach everyone else tomorrow, teehee. Natalie's gonna freak!

On a really ridiculously funny note (my last note, I promise), last night was the first-ever meeting of the first-ever year of the first-ever anime club at Bryan College.... and it so happens that we were watching a Yatta! video when someone outside was walking around the campus, right past the classroom window where we were. They were staring incredulously at the SmartBoard... and once we all found out, we died laughing. Priceless. I randomly burst out in giggles when I think of what MUST have been running through that person's mind.. and probably what is still running through it now, lol.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Current mood: triumphant! GO LIONS!
Current music:Return To Innocence, of Enigma

Yeah buddy!!!! Let's see... not too much else to note about today, except that I am now on a quest to find out why David Wallen frequently, if not always, avoids eye contact with me. I am thoroughly convinced he is afraid of and/or disturbed by me, but others seem to think otherwise. Now I am determined to find out what's really going on.... In the words of the X-Files, the truth is out there!

P.S. I forgot to mention something else of note about yesterday, something that happened before dinner, while Michelle and I were first doing our Language homework in the cafe... Caleb Fendrich's big toe was hitting on me! It was all like "so what's your favorite movie?" and I was like "I dunno, I like too many to pick a favorite" and it was like "well, what kinds of movies? ya know, in case I want to take you on a date some time" or something, and I was like "Mmm, sorry, but I don't date toes." So that was that. Poor Caleb's toe got rejected. Breaks my heart, man, but it had to be done. We would have never worked out, lol.

Doodly Day

Currently Reading
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol. 1 (Packaged with Media Companion)
see related
Current mood: tired
Current music:Smile, by Weezer

So today was special. I woke up grumpy... and doodled my mood in Math class:

If I could have made the eyebrow twitch somehow, I totally would have.

Anyway, clearly today was just a doodly day, because in chapel - after I finished up this picture - I wanted to draw something else, and Peter leaned over and told me to draw him. After initially refusing, I decided to be a dork after all:

...and then I realized how involved he really wanted to be in my doodling adventures. After adding stubble to the picture I drew, he commandeered my notebook and made his own doodle (wow that sounded so wrong):

And before you even ask, no, the chick with the ponytail is not me.

The rest of the day was not as aesthetically pleasing, but hey, it was cool. Coming out of World Lit., I heard the cries of a kitten and followed them to a car with its windows down. Inside was an ADORABLE little kitten, so tiny and sooo cuuute!! Apparently it was Paul Soyster's fiancee Tiffany's cat... but I felt bad for it being all alone in a hot car. So I played with it for a while, despite my short amount of allotted time for lunch.

Tonight was the pep rally (or as everyone in the cafe kept saying, the "prep" rally), so we all took a break from our homework for some free food.. I mean... fellowship and enthusiasm for our team.. yeah.... But the pizza was from Pizza Hut and thus tasty. YUM! Then we all went back up to the cafe 10 minutes after leaving hahahaha... then Peter saw a picture of me that I was complaining about and proclaimed that I was right - I do have a big butt - and then I smacked him and hit my funny bone on his defending arm, collapsed in agony (lol). Nothing too terribly exciting, hah.. and it was all downhill from there..

Gah, I hate homework so much! Life would be so free and wonderful without it, no? ~_^ I mean, I am absolutely horrified at the thought of having to memorize the first 19 lines of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in Old English, meh!! I'm sitting here, staring at the page, freaking out, listening to the accompanying CD for pronunciation, freaking out some more, and getting ready to pass out on my keyboard.

Anyway, g'night everyone!


Saturday, September 17, 2005

My blood, sweat, and tears went into this post.

Current mood: enthralled
Current music:Halo (Crimson Incision Mix), by Collide

Well, my sweat anyway. I seriously am so hot and sweaty right now, it's not even funny... or maybe it is. Tonight was probably the best Friday night I have ever had... at least in a very long time. After watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Katie and Laura's room (featuring Michelle, Adam, Laura, Tyler, and myself), Michelle and I walked down to Peter's house with Tyler and Adam (cuz they were planning on going to Eric's house to play Halo). As it happened, we all ended up at the Fendrich household.. but that's not the best part. See, Michelle and I got the bright idea to haul all my CDs (heavy as BUTT) and my strobe light down there and see if they'd let us rave in their house. Well, since everyone ended up staying over there, we locked ourselves away in Peter's room and borrowed Blaschke's big stereo... and the fun and excitement began! We raved like crazy for a while, just the two of us, then the guys came in a goofed around with us for a while. It was hilarious watching them try to fight in the strobe light and not fall over. Alas, they grew tired and went back to Halo... or at least picked something else to do, so it was Michelle and I again, with the occasional Tyler. At about midnight, we all left cuz Caleb was winding down for bed. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to really say goodbye to Peter since he was on the phone (as he always is when we come over... it's that little thing called "avoidance" lol), but the night remains so freaking awesome in my mind. I look forward to taking a nice, cool shower after I finish this post, and I think sleep will come easily for me tonight ^_^. Suh-weeeeet!

Before I go, I made a list today of lessons I've learned since last, so... without further ado...
Lessons I've Learned This Week:

  1. Never sit within hearing distance of JD when watching a movie that you are seeing for the first time. (Granted, I had seen Sahara before, but I was sitting between two people, Matt and Michelle, who had not.) Indeed, I am an MST3K enthusiast (hard core!!), but save it for the REALLY crappy movies! (haha jk I still love you, JD - don't hate meeee)
  2. Forego the wearing of flip flops on rainy days... at least when your plans for the day include walking on slippery surfaces (such as the steps in the admin building) while trying to keep a bag on your shoulder without it making your shirt ride up and flash everybody AND carrying/balancing a bagel and a cup full of milk. -_-
  3. Don't let your air conditioner be the boss of you. You might as well expect your a/c to miraculously start working again the moment the maintenance guy comes around... and then inevitably crap out again as soon as he leaves. I will not be defeated! I WILL coall the maintenance guy forever and always until he sees just what a little jerk our a/c is being.
  4. Even when you have a legitimate reason to despise someone, you will feel guilty for being mean to him or her, sooner or later. Okay, so maybe this lesson only applies to me, because as angry as I can get, I generally cannot hate or stay mad at someone for very long... Curse me and my sensitive, ultimately loving heart. (haha.)
  5. Never underestimate the power of unpopularity. It will take you down if you allow it to do so. Even when you have a determined group of friends campaigning for your placement on Homecoming court, you better believe that if you're unpopular, you will not win. Unpopularity is a vexatious foe; it knows no weakness.
  6. [ıf ju hæv ə tſois bətwin raıtiŋ normli or ın fənεtıks, tſuz fənεtıks. alweız.] [nəf sεd.]
  7. Even the most intelligent person on Earth can utter the most retarded thought ever to be formed by the human mind. I'm not even going to go into what instigated this lesson.
  8. Unavailable men are by far the most attractive men to walk the face of this campus. Garn, I hate my life.
  9. Ants are the devil. I have eleven testaments to such a claim, all of which are located on my legs and feet. (And yes, I will get to that story and other wedding stuff soon enough. Like, tomorrow.)
  10. And I quote, "human sexuality is really very funny." Thank you, Dr. Jones. Thank you.

All right.... g'night, all! Don't forget to cast a glance or five toward the moon - it's looking pretty freakin awesome.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Houston, we have a problem...

Current mood: so hungry, I could eat!
Current music:Ravenous (ah, the irony...), by Arch Enemy

Apparently somebody finds me fetching. Yikes. LoL

Monday, September 12, 2005


Currently Listening
By Various Artists
see related
- Bug Eyes, by Dredg

Yeah, so the wedding stories will have to wait a little longer... After hanging out with such wonderful people as Matt and Ashley on the stairs outside Long Dorm, Michelle and I got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ride around with our own BEN PERRY (w00t!!) for a little while right before curfew, so now I intend to do the little bit of homework I still haven't finished for tomorrow. Hold on just a little longer, and I swear, the wedding fun will come!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Andrea & Dillon's Wedding, Part 1

Current mood: thoughtful
I'm back from home again. For being one wedding, this certainly was a crazy, eventful weekend. I'm not going to go into everything just yet, because I want to go wandering about to see who's awake on campus at the moment... but I will post pictures now.. and leave you with a little preview for the big entry. Let's just say... I now have a story very eerily similar to Joel Trigger's bee attack story.... yeah. So without further ado, some pictures from Andrea and Dillon's wedding yesterday!

The first part of the wedding:

Mom snags me after the wedding:

The newlyweds pose for pictures:

My artistic side shows... and Mom used my bouquet for this one:

This time, my artistic visionary picture got taken by ME (wishing I had a better camera) ...and then I made it b&w ^_^:

More later...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Another one bites the dust.

Current mood: sicker than ever
Current music:Floating Museum, by Kenji Kawai (;_;)

Yes, he's gone. Another guy who wanted to befriend me then ran away after talking to me once. It's really discouraging... and it doesn't help that I already feel like crap cuz I'm sick. Why do people run away? I know I'm not like most people, but I just don't understand people actually fearing me. I have... gentle-giant syndrome or something. At the risk of sounding whiny, nobody understands me - okay, allow me to un-whine myself a bit... FEW people understand me. It makes me so sad, cuz I feel so alone sometimes. Most of the time, lately. I would make new friends if they didn't run from me... I know I have flaws aplenty, but so does everyone, and they get new friends. Sometimes I wish I could be someone else. Anyone else. Maybe this is my head cold talking... but still. This is another one of those times when I wish someone would just put their arms around me and let me cry. Stupid cold/Fred. It would seem this is quite a terrible combo! I apologize to those whose day I just ruined... I only needed to get some stuff off my chest. Now if only I could get some stuff out of my nose!! Okay that was gross.. sorry again. Happy days will come, I promise, so don't quit reading because I'm being a grump today, please?

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Return of the Fred!

Current mood: sick
Current music:Fallen Embers, by Enya

Yes. He's back. So maybe I won't die after all... or maybe I still will, but who can say? Ah well... I think his arrival is what triggered my newly acquired illness - that's right, I said it. When in doubt (and when applicable), blame Fred! My throat, completely out of nowhere, just started hurting really badly yesterday right before dinner... nothing gradual about it either! And then it only grew worse as the evening wore on. Then I woke up this morning with what feels like my ENTIRE FREAKIN FACE all clogged up. I realized the true nature of my problem at dinner tonight, when I was eating a cookie and nearly suffocated. You see, I did not consider the fact that, with my nose fully stopped up, I cannot breath while I chew!! So yeah, that sucked for me. I'm just glad it had not been like that for the entire meal... yikes. *worriedly considers tomorrow's breakfast*

Anyway... Matt is my hero forever and always! He took me to pick up my bridesmaid dress at the JC Penney in Cleveland, TN... just in time, too. I'm leaving after my last class at 1:30 on Friday so I can be home in time for the rehearsal dinner. Confidentially, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Andrea looks like pregnant - I haven't seen her at all since she first thought she might be, so it'll probably feel weird to see her to begin with, lol. She wins the prize for being the first of my friends to be pregnant, so this will be exciting... and I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl (which they'll be finding out on Friday, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee).. okay I'm done now. Time for some productivity, and then... ANIME! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Currently Listening
A Day Without Rain
By Enya
see related

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Daily Intake of Angsty Poetry... by Yours Truly

Current mood: depressed
Current music:Love's Divine, by Seal

Hello, my devoted readers (all two of you)! By a special request, I'm going to post the poem I wrote in Old English poetry format for my Brit Lit class, and while I'm at it, I'll post a little poem I "doodled" into existence during another class.

First, my Old English poem. I originally wrote it in first person, but then I changed it to third person to better fit the theme I was going for:

Without a breath of hope, she buries
All her tears of tired anguish
Beneath a face with smiles feigned.
Once-beating heart, now broken, now bleeding,
Lies still, as does she, so silent in her bed.
She stares at nothing, can never escape
The shadows cast on her crying soul.
Her eyes close slowly - she slips into a sleep
So deep she forgets the darkness till dawn,
When waking she faces the world again.

It only had to be 6 lines long... yes, I'm an overachiever... when it comes to poetry!

The next one I wrote up a few days before:

Broken dreams cut our feet
As we walk blindly with fear,
Drowning as we make our way
Through all the pain and tears.
Seeming hope of days to come
Is nothing more than lies.
This illusion takes its hold
And slowly burns our eyes.
Empty hands fall to our sides,
The fallen in our quest,
Begging for eternal sleep
So aching hearts might rest.

I figure there's no harm in saying here (since I have very few regular readers) that I think I'm getting depressed again. I guess it's just a combination of things happening to me right now, like the possible medical problem of mine, plus the issue of some friends suddenly treating me differently (or ignoring me completely). I'm not here to whine, just to get my problems out on proverbial paper. I don't really know what's going on with everybody lately, but I know that I personally have been feeling... antisocial this week so far. I don't feel like going out much, so I'm hibernating in my room and doing homework most of the time... I don't like feeling like this, and I really don't like my friends thinking I'm mad at them when I just need to be alone for a while. I'm looking forward to this weekend, going home and seeing my parents (and my cat ^_^), and most of all, being there for my best friend as she moves on into another stage of life.. two simultaneously, actually. I just know I'm going to cry! Which is gonna suck, cuz I'm getting sick as it is, haha. Anyway, I'd say I've avoided homework long enough... off I go. I know I said I want to be alone, but once in a while it's nice to know someone's thinking of me, so don't hesitate to write or call. Love you guys.

Monday, September 05, 2005


Current mood: tired
Current music:Я Твоя Не Первая, by Taty (aka T.A.T.U.)

Okay so maybe not the same... Today wasn't all that bad, really. I got some homework done, then Tyler took Katie, Michelle, and me to Pocket for some swimming. We ended up in a place other than Blue Hole - which turned out to appeal to me more, actually. It's more enclosed and is even more scenic and beautiful! Awesome. We've come up with a sort-of name for it so far (and still working on the particulars), so then we can talk about it with everybody and their mom finding out about it. Let's see.... well, I just took a look at the bottom of my Xanga and nearly wet myself - only 18 more days 'til AWA now!!! Geez, it snuck up on me. Yay! ^_^

Anyway, I've added some songs to my iTunes, one of which I'm listening to now, so... yeah... Mine's listed as "Azrylle's Mix" (duh.) so I dare you to give it a listen. Haha, I even made a comment in the info part of the one I'm listening to... it's seriously one of my favorites, even if it is by Taty (T.a.t.u.). Like I was saying to Kat, I really like the Russian songs they do, because (a) I can't understand them, and (b) that's the way I was originally introduced to them... probably the only good thing that came out of knowing Adam Hamilton, the first of many hellish Adams to make it onto my list of people I wouldn't miss if they were caught up in the middle of a nuclear holocaust. Okay, my bad mood is showing again, so I'm going to bed.

I leave you with a quote from French Kiss that applies to me lately more than ever... metaphorically, anyway:

"I am currently without country."

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Current mood: frustrated
Current music:Halo, by Collide

I've had a terrible day. Even when things start looking up and I think it might be a good day after all, things take a turn for the worse and I'm back to bad-day-ness. At least I finally found a ride to Walmart at 11 PM... even if I, along with my groceries, got pelted by 5 or 6 waterballoons from cowards hiding behind the guys' dorm as Michelle and I sat on the sidewalk listening to 4th Long do karaoke REALLY loud. As I said to Michelle, those guys had better pray to God I don't find them. I was already in a borderline bad mood, and now I've had it. I'm just thankful to be in my room, by myself, not dealing with any other humans right now. One thing that is pretty weird, even for me.... this video I happened upon while looking for a completely different song:

Have at it and enjoy. But don't do as I have done and watch it right before you go to sleep, because I guarantee you will regret it once it manages to weasel its way into your dreams/nightmares.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Craziest Thursday Known To Man

Current mood: full
Current music:23, by God Lives Underwater

Okay, so I guess things weren't THAT crazy until dinner. First of all, Michelle and I got ourselves officially in "the game" that is taking hold of campus. So far I think we are the only girls in the game, but hey, that is so like me to want to join in the silly games of boys - they have better random games than girls do, let's face it. Here's the basic idea: we do that thing with our hands upside down on our face, our eyes peering through the circles made by our thumbs and index fingers... (for those of you who will know what I'm talking about, it's the Junior Birdman face). If someone looks us in the eye when we do that to them, they have to lie down on the ground right where they stand (so I got to lie down in the middle of the cafeteria TWICE ...-_-), unless they put their thumb and index finger together and put it against the side of their chin before they look at us. Eh, it's sort of hard to explain unless you see it. Anyway, so Michelle and I truced after she got me once, and we went around getting everybody else... and of course we ran into some people not familiar with the game, and they just looked at us like we were insane asylum escapees. LoL It was priceless!!

Right at the end of dinner, between our cafeteria escapades and our outdoor insanity, Ashley approached our table and told us she had wrapped her retainers in a napkin and had thrown them away!! I remember the days when I was constantly in a panic about that crap... I'm so glad I only have to wear mine every two or three nights these days... Anyway, so she didn't feel good asking the kitchen people, and I know Ben, so I went and asked if he'd seen the retainers (all the while keeping my fingers at my chin, cuz he's in "the game" too!)... and when he said no, he offered to let Ashley go through the trash. I told her I'd help, especially because she has a weak stomach, so she held the bag and I dug (with her occasionally digging too and getting on the verge of vomit... poor Ashobee... ;_;)! Ketchup and ranch dressing were speckled all across my arms, and my pants definitely have something sticky on them now.. o.O So yeah, it was pretty nasty. The best part, though - and I say that in the most sarcastic way possible - was that the retainers were not to be found. I feel so bad though, cuz I know how much those things cost... ugh. Anyway... so today was pretty wild toward the end. And now I end it by finishing up some homework and cleaning up for strict room. Yay.

P.S. I have to thank Max for indirectly introducing me to God Lives Underwater. Especially the song on his MySpace. I fell in love with it immediately!


So earlier tonight, around the hours of 9 and 11, Michelle came over to my room.... and we threw off our shirts, turned off the lights, flipped on my strobe, blasted some dance music, and raved our butts (and shirts, evidently) off!!! w00t for naked dancing... semi-naked, I mean... bwahahaha. Will the craziness never end?!?! I certainly hope not.

Oh yeah, and then the fire alarm went off later. Crazy crazy.