Sunday, September 04, 2005


Current mood: frustrated
Current music:Halo, by Collide

I've had a terrible day. Even when things start looking up and I think it might be a good day after all, things take a turn for the worse and I'm back to bad-day-ness. At least I finally found a ride to Walmart at 11 PM... even if I, along with my groceries, got pelted by 5 or 6 waterballoons from cowards hiding behind the guys' dorm as Michelle and I sat on the sidewalk listening to 4th Long do karaoke REALLY loud. As I said to Michelle, those guys had better pray to God I don't find them. I was already in a borderline bad mood, and now I've had it. I'm just thankful to be in my room, by myself, not dealing with any other humans right now. One thing that is pretty weird, even for me.... this video I happened upon while looking for a completely different song:

Have at it and enjoy. But don't do as I have done and watch it right before you go to sleep, because I guarantee you will regret it once it manages to weasel its way into your dreams/nightmares.

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