Current mood: | |
Current music: | Fallen Embers, by Enya |
Yes. He's back. So maybe I won't die after all... or maybe I still will, but who can say? Ah well... I think his arrival is what triggered my newly acquired illness - that's right, I said it. When in doubt (and when applicable), blame Fred! My throat, completely out of nowhere, just started hurting really badly yesterday right before dinner... nothing gradual about it either! And then it only grew worse as the evening wore on. Then I woke up this morning with what feels like my ENTIRE FREAKIN FACE all clogged up. I realized the true nature of my problem at dinner tonight, when I was eating a cookie and nearly suffocated. You see, I did not consider the fact that, with my nose fully stopped up, I cannot breath while I chew!! So yeah, that sucked for me. I'm just glad it had not been like that for the entire meal... yikes. *worriedly considers tomorrow's breakfast*
Anyway... Matt is my hero forever and always! He took me to pick up my bridesmaid dress at the JC Penney in Cleveland, TN... just in time, too. I'm leaving after my last class at 1:30 on Friday so I can be home in time for the rehearsal dinner. Confidentially, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Andrea looks like pregnant - I haven't seen her at all since she first thought she might be, so it'll probably feel weird to see her to begin with, lol. She wins the prize for being the first of my friends to be pregnant, so this will be exciting... and I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl (which they'll be finding out on Friday, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee).. okay I'm done now. Time for some productivity, and then... ANIME! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
Currently Listening A Day Without Rain By Enya see related |
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