Current mood: | |
Current music: | Love's Divine, by Seal |
Hello, my devoted readers (all two of you)! By a special request, I'm going to post the poem I wrote in Old English poetry format for my Brit Lit class, and while I'm at it, I'll post a little poem I "doodled" into existence during another class.
First, my Old English poem. I originally wrote it in first person, but then I changed it to third person to better fit the theme I was going for:
Without a breath of hope, she buries
All her tears of tired anguish
Beneath a face with smiles feigned.
Once-beating heart, now broken, now bleeding,
Lies still, as does she, so silent in her bed.
She stares at nothing, can never escape
The shadows cast on her crying soul.
Her eyes close slowly - she slips into a sleep
So deep she forgets the darkness till dawn,
When waking she faces the world again.
It only had to be 6 lines long... yes, I'm an overachiever... when it comes to poetry!
The next one I wrote up a few days before:
Broken dreams cut our feet
As we walk blindly with fear,
Drowning as we make our way
Through all the pain and tears.
Seeming hope of days to come
Is nothing more than lies.
This illusion takes its hold
And slowly burns our eyes.
Empty hands fall to our sides,
The fallen in our quest,
Begging for eternal sleep
So aching hearts might rest.
I figure there's no harm in saying here (since I have very few regular readers) that I think I'm getting depressed again. I guess it's just a combination of things happening to me right now, like the possible medical problem of mine, plus the issue of some friends suddenly treating me differently (or ignoring me completely). I'm not here to whine, just to get my problems out on proverbial paper. I don't really know what's going on with everybody lately, but I know that I personally have been feeling... antisocial this week so far. I don't feel like going out much, so I'm hibernating in my room and doing homework most of the time... I don't like feeling like this, and I really don't like my friends thinking I'm mad at them when I just need to be alone for a while. I'm looking forward to this weekend, going home and seeing my parents (and my cat ^_^), and most of all, being there for my best friend as she moves on into another stage of life.. two simultaneously, actually. I just know I'm going to cry! Which is gonna suck, cuz I'm getting sick as it is, haha. Anyway, I'd say I've avoided homework long enough... off I go. I know I said I want to be alone, but once in a while it's nice to know someone's thinking of me, so don't hesitate to write or call. Love you guys.
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