Current mood: | |
Current music: | Floating Museum, by Kenji Kawai (;_;) |
Yes, he's gone. Another guy who wanted to befriend me then ran away after talking to me once. It's really discouraging... and it doesn't help that I already feel like crap cuz I'm sick. Why do people run away? I know I'm not like most people, but I just don't understand people actually fearing me. I have... gentle-giant syndrome or something. At the risk of sounding whiny, nobody understands me - okay, allow me to un-whine myself a bit... FEW people understand me. It makes me so sad, cuz I feel so alone sometimes. Most of the time, lately. I would make new friends if they didn't run from me... I know I have flaws aplenty, but so does everyone, and they get new friends. Sometimes I wish I could be someone else. Anyone else. Maybe this is my head cold talking... but still. This is another one of those times when I wish someone would just put their arms around me and let me cry. Stupid cold/Fred. It would seem this is quite a terrible combo! I apologize to those whose day I just ruined... I only needed to get some stuff off my chest. Now if only I could get some stuff out of my nose!! Okay that was gross.. sorry again. Happy days will come, I promise, so don't quit reading because I'm being a grump today, please?
Ok, so I know this is odd for a complete stranger to "talk" to you, but oh well...strange it will have to be. Something I notice in your postings is that you comment on how you find yourself so different from others. You normally equate different with bad. Why is that? Is it because you see this "difference" as alienating you from others? Granted, alienation is not fun, but I would suggest that you have two options in front of you. One, enjoy your differences, accepting the fact that some people just will never understand you. Two, change your differences making it easier for others to “like you”. Now, if you choose number one, you will have the struggle of not always having a “kindred spirit”, but you will have the contentment of being who God made you to be. If you choose number two, you will have more people to interact with, but I tend to think you will feel stifled and will not even be able to fully interact with them since you are not being yourself. As you can probably tell, I think option number one is the best – hard at times, yes, but I think you will be the most content in the end. Enjoy being who you are. Just be…
You are right, truly. I have to agree that number one is the better choice to make... Besides, I am feeling better and better about the situation as time goes by. I have plenty of friends who love me for who I am, no matter what the weirdnesses of mine may be. Everyone's different, and no one should have to alter their being to make "the world" happy. I was in a crappy mood about all the stuff going on, but after this weekend, some realizations about who I am (and need to remain as) and how I affect the people and the world around me have come. I am who I am. Some people will love me. Some people will not. That's life. Thanks for the thoughts, and I - being me, haha - did not find your "talking" to me strange at all.
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