Current mood: | |
Current music: | Halo (Crimson Incision Mix), by Collide |
Well, my sweat anyway. I seriously am so hot and sweaty right now, it's not even funny... or maybe it is. Tonight was probably the best Friday night I have ever had... at least in a very long time. After watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail in Katie and Laura's room (featuring Michelle, Adam, Laura, Tyler, and myself), Michelle and I walked down to Peter's house with Tyler and Adam (cuz they were planning on going to Eric's house to play Halo). As it happened, we all ended up at the Fendrich household.. but that's not the best part. See, Michelle and I got the bright idea to haul all my CDs (heavy as BUTT) and my strobe light down there and see if they'd let us rave in their house. Well, since everyone ended up staying over there, we locked ourselves away in Peter's room and borrowed Blaschke's big stereo... and the fun and excitement began! We raved like crazy for a while, just the two of us, then the guys came in a goofed around with us for a while. It was hilarious watching them try to fight in the strobe light and not fall over. Alas, they grew tired and went back to Halo... or at least picked something else to do, so it was Michelle and I again, with the occasional Tyler. At about midnight, we all left cuz Caleb was winding down for bed. I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to really say goodbye to Peter since he was on the phone (as he always is when we come over... it's that little thing called "avoidance" lol), but the night remains so freaking awesome in my mind. I look forward to taking a nice, cool shower after I finish this post, and I think sleep will come easily for me tonight ^_^. Suh-weeeeet!
Before I go, I made a list today of lessons I've learned since last, so... without further ado...
Lessons I've Learned This Week:
- Never sit within hearing distance of JD when watching a movie that you are seeing for the first time. (Granted, I had seen Sahara before, but I was sitting between two people, Matt and Michelle, who had not.) Indeed, I am an MST3K enthusiast (hard core!!), but save it for the REALLY crappy movies! (haha jk I still love you, JD - don't hate meeee)
- Forego the wearing of flip flops on rainy days... at least when your plans for the day include walking on slippery surfaces (such as the steps in the admin building) while trying to keep a bag on your shoulder without it making your shirt ride up and flash everybody AND carrying/balancing a bagel and a cup full of milk. -_-
- Don't let your air conditioner be the boss of you. You might as well expect your a/c to miraculously start working again the moment the maintenance guy comes around... and then inevitably crap out again as soon as he leaves. I will not be defeated! I WILL coall the maintenance guy forever and always until he sees just what a little jerk our a/c is being.
- Even when you have a legitimate reason to despise someone, you will feel guilty for being mean to him or her, sooner or later. Okay, so maybe this lesson only applies to me, because as angry as I can get, I generally cannot hate or stay mad at someone for very long... Curse me and my sensitive, ultimately loving heart. (haha.)
- Never underestimate the power of unpopularity. It will take you down if you allow it to do so. Even when you have a determined group of friends campaigning for your placement on Homecoming court, you better believe that if you're unpopular, you will not win. Unpopularity is a vexatious foe; it knows no weakness.
- [ıf ju hæv ə tſois bətwin raıtiŋ normli or ın fənεtıks, tſuz fənεtıks. alweız.] [nəf sεd.]
- Even the most intelligent person on Earth can utter the most retarded thought ever to be formed by the human mind. I'm not even going to go into what instigated this lesson.
- Unavailable men are by far the most attractive men to walk the face of this campus. Garn, I hate my life.
- Ants are the devil. I have eleven testaments to such a claim, all of which are located on my legs and feet. (And yes, I will get to that story and other wedding stuff soon enough. Like, tomorrow.)
- And I quote, "human sexuality is really very funny." Thank you, Dr. Jones. Thank you.
All right.... g'night, all! Don't forget to cast a glance or five toward the moon - it's looking pretty freakin awesome.
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