Monday, August 28, 2006

My kind of day...

Current mood: stressed
Current music:I Hear You Now, by Vangelis and Jon

It started out decently well. Even though I got up two hours than I normally would on a Monday, it was to do my first day's bit of work for Dr. Lay, and it wasn't bad at all. Plus, I really like the new student worker Olivia Pool who I'm sort of "training," so it's all good there. Then the fit hit the shan, as it were. I found out from Becca that Theory & Pedagogy, a required course for my major, is not offered next semester, which is the suck, since I'm not enrolled in it for this semester. Thus, I panicked. I went and talked to Mr. Harle, and he printed out the syllabus and all that stuff for me, so I'll be filling out a drop/add form to join the class now.

I bet those of you who didn't know how my semester already looked are thinking, "Yay, it's all fixed." Not likely. See, my workload was already, as I've already described my previously mentioned situation, the suck. Basically, more reading (time-wise) than there are hours in the day. Perhaps I mentioned the 100+ pages of reading for Shakespeare we were assigned the first day of class to be done by the next class? Perhaps not.

But yeah. From a well-earned 15 credit hours to a whopping more-than-earned 18 hours. I'm going to die.

Mr. Positive says: But, hey, just think how breezy your last semester will be!

And I say: That's true. Too bad I won't be mentally stable enough to enjoy it.

P.S. On top of everything else, the elevator decided to stick on the third floor on my way back to my room from all of the stressful events. After several attempts to make the evil, hot, stuffy, metal box of Satan go up one last floor, I gave up, walked to the end of the hall, and took the stairs. Yippee.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

[Heart]Breaking News

Current mood: melancholy
Current music:Ruined, by Imperative Reaction

Unfortunately, the decision that I have mulled over and agonized over for the past couple of months has now been made for me, and it is tearing me apart. I didn't really want to do it, but now I know I have to. I would go into more detail, but no one would understand anyway.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Without further ado, I return...

Current mood: pensive
Current music:Feeling of Jazz, by Wynton Marsalis Quartet

Not. Fair.

Dang it. I was hoping for something a little more interesting...

You Are 24% Paranoid Schizophrenic

You're pretty grounded, though you have your occasional paranoid moments.

Just make sure to ignore those voices in your head!

Now, see, that is more like it! I acknowledge and approve of these results entirely... heehee.

Your Geek Profile:

Music Geekiness: Highest

Gamer Geekiness: High

Movie Geekiness: High

SciFi Geekiness: High

Fashion Geekiness: Moderate

Internet Geekiness: Moderate

Academic Geekiness: Low

Geekiness in Love: Low

General Geekiness: None

How Geeky Are You?

Just thought I'd post some pictures of my baby...

my babymy baby's hilt (crop)

And what kind of mother would I be if I didn't post pictures of my other baby?

my other baby (crop)