Tuesday, August 30, 2005

When The Wind Blows

Current mood: mellow
Current music:Home, by Depeche Mode

Yeah, Hurricane Katrina has found her way to Dayton, TN. Lots of wind and lots of debris riddle our campus... but the best part is what happened after Foundations of Language.. while I was at work. I was dusting Dr. Lay's shelves when suddenly the lights went out for a few seconds, then they came back on, then went back out, then back on, then off again, then on, then off, then on, then off... and stayed off for about half an hour. I told him that it was like being at a slow-moving rave, and he laughed, hahaha. So anyway, I was dusting by the light of Dr. Lay's laptop, lol. My poor computer though, man. I'm glad I decided against turning it back on when I got back to my room after work, cuz while I was at lunch the power went out AGAIN for another couple seconds. But now here's hoping it will last... unless of course it goes out in time for me not to have to go to my 2:30 class hahahahahaha. ~_^

Monday, August 29, 2005

Wig out, why don't you?

Current mood: hyper
Current music:The Weird But Kind Of Smart Yet Stinky Children Of Death

Today was hilariously awesome! I wore my wig (the one I ordered for my Himeno as the Wind Pretear costume), my fake glasses, and my white boots with my outfit to all my classes today. It was SO FUNNY. Most everybody had jaw-drop syndrome... cuz they thought I cut, dyed, and highlited my own hair, hahahahaha... and then they asked where I put my real hair. It took me three tries this morning, but I finally successfully pinned all my hair to my head, and it's still pinned now actually.

Why did I do such a crowd-shocking thing, you ask? Cuz I showed Katie and Laura the wig on me last night, and they said I should totally go to class with in on, and so I promised them I would. It was so HOOOTTTT though. >.< I sweatededed.

Anyway I'm in a good mood. We signed up for chapel seats today, and I'm sitting between Peter and Michelle..... although I'll be without friend on my right side once Michelle goes to Italy next semester *tear*. Okay, well... I'm off!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

My first run-in with the cops!

Currently Watching
Vanity Fair (Widescreen Edition)
By Gabriel Byrne, Reese Witherspoon, Romola Garai, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
see related
Current mood: dorky
Current music:Watching Vanity Fair actually!

And now that I have your attention, I wasn't actually THERE when the cops came. See, Michelle and I left a sort of prank letter at Peter and Caleb's house asking them to go to the Christmas banquet (which we also did once before, and it did not bode well for us.. but at least the cops weren't involved that time! sheesh!). Anyway, we planned on covertly putting the letter right inside the back screen door... and some people in the neighboring apartments were sitting outside and saw us. They shined a flashlight on us, and while Michelle was stashing the letter in the door, I just stood there and looked at the people, figuring if I didn't run or avoid looking their way, then maybe they'd understand I meant no harm.... NOPE! They definitely called the cops! I didn't realize they'd done such a moronic thing until today after dinner, when Peter and Caleb told us so. We just walked back up the hill once we were done, too, clearly showing we were Bryan students even.. so I don't know what they could have thought we were doing that would have been bad. Meh, stupid people... Ah well. Peter said he found it rather funny, so at least they weren't mad at Michelle and me, hehehehe.

P.S. Excitement! My Vanity Fair DVD plays in my new computer (which, if you didn't already know, is special, cuz last year I couldn't get it to function on anybody's computer and had to wait till I got home to a real DVD player -_-) so YAY! ^_^

I found something that duct tape cannot fix...

Current mood: crushed
Current music:Summer (of the Four Seasons), by Antonio Vivaldi

My heart. How is it that people prettier than me, uglier than me, nicer than me, meaner than me, fatter than me, thinner than me, more outgoing than me, more shy than me, crazier than me, more "normal" than me - basically every breed of person and every combination of personality OTHER than my own - can find their someone and I remain alone? Normally I wouldn't be so bothered by it, though I often am at least a bit, but lately guys have been dropping like flies for no reason at all... (see last post) And I mean, NO reason. I've had enough. If I let this bother me much more, it will be the death of me, so I throw my hands up and resign myself to my apparent fate. Not that I enjoy it, but I'm sick of hoping for something that will never come.

What a Grimm Day... *snicker*

Currently Listening
By Imperative Reaction
see related
Current mood: confused
Current music: I Be An Retarded, by They Might Be Giants

I don't think I'll ever truly understand the male mind. For serious. I mean, just tonight I experienced the second time that a guy has ceased communication with me after talking to me maybe twice or three times (or in this case, getting three messages from me and replying to them). My third message has gone unnoticed (or noticed and ignored)... either way, I'm sitting here confused at BUTT. I am pretty good at identifying what I've done wrong when I screw up, but in these past two cases, I honestly can't find out where I might have gone wrong. If it was just my personality, then I don't think they would have instigated a conversation with me in the first place. I don't get it, and that's all there is to it. I resign myself to this apparent fate of mine. Maybe I'll learn to laugh at it... sure, I'll even laugh now! Someone who barely knows me is too frightened to message me back for little or no reason! HA!

Okay, so here's my weekend so far, besides guy crap. Went to Pocket again on Friday at night with Matt, Adam, Tyler, Kyle, Laura, Katie, Dayna, and Michelle and played with the bats again, lol. Then today was the all-college picnic at Booker T. Washington (State?) Park... at which time Michelle and I strung up her hammock and climbed in, crammed together in the shade between two trees, hahaha. Then I went walking with Christina, and Andy (my brother) and his old roommate Jeff were walking a ways behind us... so it was like a roommate fest, old and new(ish)! lol I absolutely love walking on trails, especially like the one we were on, so it was good fun. Then when we came back it was almost 5, so it was time to eat. I swam for a little while with Beth... until around 6:15... The best part, though, had to be afterward! Andy, Michelle, and I really wanted to see Brothers Grimm tonight, and since Beth was willing to drive and see it too, we definitely did! Plus, weirdly enough, apparently Joe went to see it tonight too, so we were getting freaked out at the same time, just in different states, hahaha. It was indeed freaky, but I really liked it... maybe that's because I'm so dang freaky bwahahahaha! Alright, well... I'm going to go.. watch a DVD or go to bed.. or read.. whatever will keep my mind off of the bad stuff. G'night, all! ^^

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Whoa. Dang.

Current mood: sickened by B.O.
Current music:Let Forever Be, by Chemical Brothers

I was sitting with my parents in church today, cuz none of my friends who I usually sit with were in the balcony. Anyway, this girl sat down next to me, and I tell you WHAT - I haven't smelled B.O. that bad in a very long time! Heck, I didn't even smell like that after the three days of no showering. She was wearing a sleeveless top (already a mistake) and I guess she was hot or something, cuz it was indeed a freakin HOT day. But GEEZ, she could stand to put on a second coat of deodorant! I mean, it was bad, for serious. My mom was even getting grossed out, it reeked so bad, and she didn't have to sit beside her! Then the girl leaned forward and put her elbows on her knees... so her armpits were open to the breeze. For the first time all summer, I actually wished the A/C would turn off so it'd stop blowing the odor my way! I think I've lost my sense of smell now...

And now I'm off to sleep, cuz I'm waking up at 5:30 to get ready and head off to school!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Early to bed, early to rise, huh? We'll see about that.

Current mood: giggly
Current music:Disoriented, by Imperative Reaction

Well, after a lovely hour of battling end-of-school-day traffic and then the beginning of rush hour traffic, I successfully picked up my parents at the airport, accompanied by my brother (so I actually had someone to talk to while I drove this time!). So now I won't be online as much, since I can't tie up the phone line all day anymore LoL. Less online time means fewer entries, so for those of you who enjoyed them, sorry, and for those of you having trouble keeping up.. well, good news, now you'll have less to read, hahaha. Plus, now I won't be on until 5 AM anymore hahahah. Oh well... *sigh* ~_^

So yeah, my brother brought over his MST3K DVDs (for those of you not familiar, Mystery Science Theater 3000) so we watched one of the movies called The Touch of Satan ...wow.... messed UP. Anyway, lol, now I'm here.. typing in my journals and making measurements for my sewing. I think we're going to a movie at AMC tomorrow, which means we'll be right beside JoAnn, which means I can get the stuff I couldn't get last time (like the white trim, cuz now I know how much I'm going to need, yay!) Okay, guys, the time has come. I'm going to check my email, finish measuring and then go listen to music in bed till I fall asleep... unless I get a call, but I doubt it these days - people are actually busy again, lol.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Goofballs 'R' Us

Current mood: silly
Current music:This Love, by Craig Armstrong

I went out to lunch and goofed around all over West Cobb with my oldest friend Jess today, and it proved to be just as psychotic, hilarious, and all-around FUN as it always has been. Amid the rampant silliness, we went to this one place called Theo's Brother's Bakery and ate until we just about died (cuz not only is it filling, but the dark-chocolate-based dessert she and I shared was SO incredibly rich!).. and she knew a couple people working there cuz they go to her church. One of them, Corby, is ...well... *raises an eyebrow and grins*.. nice. (Can we say "transference"? haha jk) Jess tells me he wants to stay single for right now, but hey, I'm patient. ~_^ All kidding aside, though, he cracks me up, and he does indeed have, as Jess would put it, "piercing brown eyes." Yes, he is quite attractive. okay, I'm done with my droolfest. Anyway, I really needed this day out to lift my spirits back up, and I thank God for people like Jessica every day.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

So much to feel, so little time to feel it.

Current mood: accomplished
Current music:Rapture, by IIO

Today was productive - not that the others haven't been on some way, but yeah. Instead of just packing all day, I actually got a number of other tasks accomplished. I did all my laundry, so I actually have stuff to wear now (yay!), and I sewed up the newest hole in Chubby (so he's all better again ^_^). I've gotten a lot of cross-stitching done on my brother's Christmas present, so I'm nearly done now, and it's looking really good. I ironed Dad's shirts that Mom left for me and made some more preparations for school (also known as packing)...

In the middle of the afternoon, all Hell broke loose! The rain poured, the thunder roared, the lightning flashed... the power went out... TWICE. The second time I gave up on fixing the clocks until the beast was finished, so I turned off all the lights, lit a whole bunch of my candles, placed them randomly around the living room (and one in the bathroom) and listened to some Bella Morte. It was very nice. Dark, tranquil, and nice. The thunder added a nice touch to the music, hahaha.

Eventually I went back to doing laundry and stuff... and then, when it started getting late, I took a break, made a root beer float and popped in Love Story, and I watched that until Kat called. Now that I'm out of the "movie groove," I probably won't finish watching it until tomorrow - mostly because now I am no longer in the mood to cry, and I've been told I will most definitely do so. I mean, the dude tells you almost immediately that the chick dies - what the crap? Can we say "caught off guard" or what? Anyway, I'm going to stay home from church (like the heathen that I am, MICHELLE and KAT) and read my Bible instead... and then I'm going to JoAnn for .. stuff... that is nunyo.... as in nunyo' business! hahaha jk -- It's a craft and fabric store, before any of you get any wild ideas.

P.S. For those of you who know my recent issue, I have decided that I have to put my hurt aside. For the sake of a friendship I would rather die for than lose. Please pray for God to give me strength in what I believe I must do.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Aw maaaaannnn...

Current mood: jealous
Current music:Listen To Your Heart, by DHT

People, you have got to make me stop looking at that cursed guest list for DragonCon! I now get to add the band Bella Morte to my pining-away list! *sniffle* I love Bella Morte... and LeVar Burton's gonna be there too! You know who that is? The Star Trek/Reading Rainbow guy, that's who!! No fair...


Okay, so maybe this isn't as funny as I think it is, given the fact that I am really super tired right now for some reason (it's not even 12:30 yet, what the deuce?!)... but on this one dude's band's MySpace, this picture together with its quote made me burst out laughing. I must need sleep, but daaang that's funny:

come on mtv, pimp my ride


Friday, August 12, 2005

*drops to knees and thrusts arms skyward, outstretched in ultimate suffering*


I just found out that the main star of the TV series Firefly and its consequent movie Serenity, Nathan Fillion, is going to be at DragonCon this year! but am I going to DragonCon?? NOOOO. I'm going to Anime Weekend Atlanta! Sure, they are different weekends, but DragonCon is four days long rather than three... which means two miserable things: (1) I'd actually have to miss a few of my classes, not to mention find a ride with other people who are willing to do the same, and (2) the price! I mean, LOOK!!

At the door rates:

4 days (Fri. – Mon.) $85
3 days (Sat. – Mon.) $70
2 days (Sun. – Mon.) $50
1 day (Fri., Sat. or Sun.) $30
1 day (Monday) $25

So even if I had enough money and just didn't want to miss my Monday classes, they are mean enough not to have a Fri-Sun option. I mean, why the crap not?? AWA is successful in its Fri-Sun-ness, so what is so wrong with giving people their Monday back?! not that it matters, cuz I don't have $50 stuffed in my bra somewhere. *pout* I was thinking to myself the whole time I was going down the inhumanly long guest list, they better not have Nathan Fillion cuz I would cry if I knew he was in my city without me...and whattayaknow. HE IS. *sob*

***edit*** JUNK, man. They have Kevin Sorbo too. I loved watching Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.... I'm upset. Could ya tell?

Thank Heaven they don't have the cast of Red Dwarf (more importantly, my lovely Arnold Judas Rimmer, a.k.a. Chris Barrie), because then I would throw myself out of the nearest high window... that, or sneak into the Con under somebody's costume and jump him the moment I spot him ... I wonder if he has bodyguards... o.O

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Move over, Paris Hilton!

Current mood: woohoooo, I'm rich! lol
Current music:The sound of Kat in my ear... ^_^

Hey, people, apparently I'm now an heiress of a £15,000,000 fortune! You all want to be my friends now, right? bwahaha - Check out the fateful email I received today *grins*:

From: Mr. Liam Johnson Sent: Wed 8/10/2005 10:34 PM
Subject: Account Inactive.

Please accept my sincere apologies if my email does not meet your business
or personal ethics. I introduce myself as Liam a staff in the accounts management
section of a well-known bank here in the United Kingdom.

One of our accounts with holding balance of £15,000,000 (Fifteen Million
British Pounds) has been dormant and last operated, three years ago. From
my investigations and confirmations, the owner of this account, a Foreigner
by name Gerald Stone died on the 4th of January 2002 in a plane crash in
Birmingham here in UK.

Since then, nobody has done anything as regards the claiming of this money,
as he has no family member that has any knowledge as to the existence
of either the account or the funds; Information from the National Immigration
also states that he was single on entry into the UK.

I have confidentially discussed this issue with some of the bank officials
and we have agreed to find a reliable foreign partner to deal with. We therefore
propose to do business with you, standing in as the next of kin of these
funds from the deceased and funds released to you after due processes have
been followed.

This transaction is totally free of risk and troubles as the fund is legitimate
and does not originate from drug, money laundry, terrorism or any other
illegal act.

On your interest, let me hear from you.

Warm Regards,


This message contains confidential information and is intended only for
specified addressee. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate,
distribute or copy this e-mail. The sender therefore does not accept liability
for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise
as a result of e-mail transmission. Please note that we reserve the Right
to monitor and read any emails sent and received under the Telecommunications
(Lawful Business Practice)(Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000.

(hahahaha I love phony emails sometimes...)

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Riddle me this.

Current mood: hungry
Current music:Pon De Replay, by Rihanna

How does a fly get in a sealed package of rolls from the deli? Cuz I was looking for some bread to dip with olive oil and oregano (mmmmmm...), and I saw something moving in one of the trays of rolls.... and it was a freakin fly!! I picked it up and looked all around, but I didn't see one stinkin hole in the whole bag, so I was truly puzzled. I seriously doubt the rolls were old enough to have had the little bugger hatch inside, so I'm ruling that out... for now... ¬¬ Anyway, I told the lady behind the counter so that someone would buy those rolls and then, like.. sue Kroger or something. lol I like Kroger, thank you very much. (By the way, never EVER shop for food when you haven't eaten all day.)

Oh, good news! I got the anime series Prétear that I ordered in the mail today!! Yaaaaay! ^_^ So as if I hadn't locked myself away in the house enough before, now people are REALLY never gonna see me. Seriously, since the movie Thursday night, I hadn't gone any further than the mailbox until today's Kroger run.. and that's only cuz the milk spoiled and I'm running out of real food! Man cannot live by apple juice and Doritos alone! lol

And now I go... to feast and to watch anime - now that's what I'm talking about!


Current mood: QUITE amused
Current music:Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego, by Rockapella


Man, this site just made my day. The models could be better, I guess... but I'm just happy looking at the shirts. Seriously, once a guy is wearing a romantic (hot), poet (hotter), or pirate (HOTTEST!) shirt, I cannot be held responsible for my actions..... especially not if the leather pants are involved too.... Sorry, I'm okay now! *innocent smile*

And now a funny moment, brought to you by the lovely website and a conversation between Sarah and myself:

(02:37:14) Azrylle: woohoo! these people just made my day
(02:37:24) Dingo: what peoples?
(02:37:29) Azrylle: http://www.leatherworks.com/medieval_poet_pirate_shirts.htm
(02:38:14) Azrylle: i love the poet, pirate, and romantic styles
(02:38:17) Azrylle: ^_^
(02:40:28) Dingo: looking..
(02:41:42) Dingo: ooooh
(02:41:57) Dingo: i like the pirate frock coat jacket - LOL well which is it?
(02:42:54) Azrylle: hahahha
(02:42:57) Azrylle: who knows
(02:43:02) Azrylle: they combine terms a lot, ive noticed
(02:43:12) Azrylle: but thast okay, cuz im only there for the pretty pictures
(02:43:15) Azrylle: bwahaha
(02:43:17) Dingo: hehe
(02:43:22) Dingo: of the clothes
(02:43:26) Azrylle: and yes
(02:43:46) Azrylle: i like the coat jacket frock apron slicker thing too
(02:45:05) Dingo: lol!!!

And another funny moment, brought to you by the same people/stuff:

You are his... Foreboding Grin. You are one who is quite predictable, and who loves to appear evil. You like to act insane, as well as enjoy the bloodier things in life. In my opinion, you'd be fun to hang around with!

Which Facial Expression of Jack Sparrow's Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

And Sarah got this one, lol...

You are his... Confused Look. You can often be found with your mouth agape, your head tilted, and your finger digging into your scalp. The world puzzles your stereotypically-small brain.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I had no idea how versatile my name is...

Current mood: silly
Current music:When I Dream At Night, by Marc Anthony

A little piece of MySpace for you all! http://www.myspace.com/azrylle

(Yes, it says 10... but I actually have 12 listed, cuz I had a butt-long list of funny stuff and already could scarcely get it down to 12 without agonizing over it - mostly because sherry is a wine, so there were all these great wine descriptions, bwahaha.. but yeah. I got it down to 12.. barely. So be grateful. lol)


Type "(your name) is" with the quotes, into a Google search then pick out your favorite 10 responses. Copy, then repost your responses: HAVE FUN EVERYBODY!!!

These were ten of my favorite responses:

Sherry is dry, fruity, and expensive.

Sherry is, undoubtedly, a challenge for the uninitiated.

Sherry is a bastardisation of the name Jerez.

Sherry is a 57-year old divorced white woman, who currently shares her Castor Gardens/Northeast Philadelphia rowhome with her 21-year old son.

Sherry is as famous for her haunting voice as she is infamous for her trouble-making promiscuity.

Sherry is a seriously disturbed woman in need of professional assistance.

Sherry is a defender of those who cannot defend themselves--the mistreated and the persecuted.

Sherry is known for her contagious smile, can-do attitude, and genuine desire to make everyone’s vacation enjoyable and memorable.

Sherry is immediately detected by the nose.

Sherry is great with her litterbox.

Sherry is a little GSD girl (German Shepherd Dog - can be seen from the pictures, but it's not that obvious, is it? ;-)) that lives in Ptuj with my dad's parents.

Sherry is getting bigger every day.

Check out this other excerpt I found during my search - I couldn't use it since it doesn't start with "Sherry is," but I still cracked up when I read it:

Sherries range in colour, flavour, and sweetness.

  • Fino sherries are dry and light, and one delicate fino, manzanilla, has a hint of saltiness. These pale dry sherries develop a film of yeast culture called fior on their surface as they ferment in giant barrels called butts.
  • In some barrels, though, the layer of fior consumes all the nutrients in the wine, dies out, breaks up, and sinks to the bottom of the butt; the colour of the wine then deepens through oxidation. This gives rise to nutty-flavoured amontillado sherries of medium sweetness. Amontillados are softer and darker in colour than finos.
  • Some wines develop no fior at all and turn a deep, woody brown colour. These sweet oloroso sherries are fuller flavoured and darker than dry or medium sherries; they are aged longer and are more expensive, and are often labeled cream sherry.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I ferment in butts! o.O HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... *wipes tears from eyes* oh man am I immature. lol!

Good moooorning, Neverland!

Current mood: cheerful
Current music:Red Dwarf theme, by Howard Goodall (yay! I <3>

My, my, I certainly am glad that I don't post according to comments like Eric... because then I would never post again! lol Especially right now... If I didn't know better, I'd think God had the rapture without me. Even my regular "commentators" are scarcely to be found. Did everyone die and not tell me?? hahaha

Anyway, the show must go on, and so shall my posting. Today was yet another wonderfully lazy day, although I did a little more energy exertion than I have in the past 3 days. With my parents on the complete other side of the country until next week, I have enjoyed not having to worry about going to bed at a "decent" hour and, more importantly, getting up at a "decent" hour. :-D Plus I don't have to worry about turning the music down late at night, being caught as I walk casually out of the shower and down the hall to my room (bwahaha), wanting to watch TV or a movie when something my parents want to watch is on, or anything like that. And I haven't left the house at all since I went out on Thursday night to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with my ex-b/f Jimmy. I am lazy and loving it. ~_^

But like I said, today I actually did something productive, outside of the usual tasks of getting the mail and taking care of Oberon (even though lately he keeps meowing for no reason at all and it's annoying lol - I guess he misses Mom! whatever, I'm not jealous... lol) I picked tomatoes out of our garden that needed to be picked. What was SO GROSS though was that there was one red tomato I was going for, and I saw a rotten tomato (still on the vine for some reason) hanging right beside it... It pretty much looked like a sac of snot, cuz it was pale green with white goop all over it - ECK! Oh man, it was nasty. After I gingerly removed it from the vine, I jerked my hand back so it wouldn't touch me and it fell to the ground with a lovely, sickening splat. Yes. Quite the adventure. Normally, I'm not that squeamish, but you should have seen this joker. *shudders* it was like... Ernest Scared Stupid, but worse! Okay, I'm done now. LoL.

P.S. *raises glass* Here's to the BBC series Red Dwarf... AND most passionately to Chris Barrie, who plays Rimmer in the series. Perhaps you all know him now as the butler Hillary in the Tomb Raider movies.... but daaang, though ....back in the day... I mean, look at him!

I've been reading a bunch of the quotes and stuff from the series, and it sounds hilarious! Man, I love British humor, lol.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

*screams in horror and agony*

Current mood: absolutely disgusted
Current music:An Honest Mistake, by The Bravery

If I was not already undead, I would have died just now. Disgusting! Please excuse me - I suddenly feel the need to bathe in scalding hot water and with a hefty amount of antibacterial soap.